Corneal Tumors: Pinguecula And Pterygium

Vision is a sense that we must take great care of. It is essential to take preventive measures to prevent eye tumors such as pinguecula and pterygium. Find out more about it in our article.

One area of ​​our body that we shouldn’t overlook is the eyes. Indeed, understanding how diseases that attack the eyes arise is an important task in order to prevent them. Among these problems is the pinguecula.

The pinguecula is a prominence located in the eyelid that, related to other visual problems, is only resolved with surgery. Despite everything, it is benign. It grows in areas near the cornea, it has a yellow tone and a triangular shape.

The size of the pinguecula is so insignificant that it can go unnoticed, although it can increase over time. In most cases, its volume does not directly affect vision. Indeed, some people can have several without problems.

What are the causes of pinguecula?

causes of pinguecula

According to specialists from the American Academy of Ophthalmology, among the causes of pingueculase, we find:

  • Exposure to dust and wind
  • Overexposure to ultraviolet light
  • Body fat
  • Dry eye syndrome
  • Hormonal changes
  • Surgical operations
  • Consumption of certain medications

Symptoms of pinguecula

  • Itchy eye or redness of the eyeball, especially near the cornea, pupil, and iris
  • Dry eyes
  • Irritation of the affected area
  • Constant inflammation
  • Constant feeling of dirt, like it’s dust or sand

How is the pinguecula treated?

pinguecula treatment

In most cases, no emergency treatment is needed. However, you should be very aware of this condition when it appears along with any other eye related disease. It is important to note that the pinguecula tends to reappear once treated with surgery.

Because of this possibility, being 30% and 40%, some patients choose to undergo other types of treatments. However, in extreme cases, the best thing to do is surgery.

Two of these cases are as follows: the first, before a very serious inflammation that would prevent any type of reaction. The second, when it occurs on the cornea, since vision would be directly affected. In both cases, there is redness around the area and severe itching.

The surgical intervention for each case lasts no more than thirty minutes. After the procedure, the patient must wear a maximum protection patch for two days, unless a specialist advises otherwise. Alternatively, if it’s a less severe case, doctors usually recommend a particular type of ointment or eye drops.

Difference between pinguecula and pterygium

While these are conditions that may have some similarity, they are two different conditions. Pterygium is a visual abnormality that manifests itself in the formation of flesh in the eyes that is similar in color to the skin, which is very different from the yellow of the pinguecula.

Also, it can sprout with different shapes from triangular or elongated shape. They are also not located in the same place. The pterygium is usually formed above the cornea. It should be noted that pterygia often form as a result of a pinguecula.

If the pterygiums grow to a considerable size, they can alter the surface of the eye, which causes astigmatism. This causes the person to see distorted objects, pictures and the outline of things, due to an irregular curve in the cornea.

Similarities Between Pinguecula and Pterygium

As we mentioned earlier, similar conditions can appear except that pterygium appears after constant times of stress. While these conditions are benign, they should not be taken lightly. In its early stages, the symptoms are the same, making it easier to get confused.

Given these conditions, specialists recommend taking preventive measures. Sunlight affects the formation of both conditions, as well as body fat and particles in the air. Therefore, they recommend the use of lenses that protect vision.

In addition, age may be a factor in the onset of both conditions. For this reason, older people are advised to carry out frequent eye checks.

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