A Natural Juice To Eliminate Bad Mouth And Body Odor

Daily ingestion of this natural juice along with good hygiene habits can help us purify toxins and eliminate bacteria in the origin of bad odors.

Bad body odor, including that which comes from the mouth, is unpleasant both for the sufferer and for those who have to live with it.

A large part of the cases are due to poor hygiene habits. Others can result from hormonal problems, infections or illnesses.

Many people believe that sweating is the main cause of these unpleasant odors. The latter is however odorless in itself. It is bacteria and other elements that give rise to these odors.

If to this we add the amount of toxins we are exposed to, we must be aware that anyone, in one way or another, can suffer from this problem at any time.

However, there are many products and healthy habits that prevent bad odors. They also serve as a treatment to eliminate them when they occur.

Among the options we find a natural juice. Its antibacterial and detoxifying properties indeed neutralize halitosis and odor that occurs during perspiration.

We will therefore explain to you, below, what it consists of and how to prepare it at home. You just need to take a few simple steps into account.

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Natural juice to fight against bad mouth and body odorsbad smells

This natural juice to eliminate bad body odor is obtained through the mixture of green apple, baking soda, parsley and other alkaline foods that control excess acidity and bacterial growth.

If this is not the only solution to this problem. It is a good supplement for those who try to neutralize them despite their good hygiene habits.

Its main benefits are attributed to its antioxidant and purifying compounds.  Indeed, after being ingested, they promote the elimination of waste and regulate metabolism and hormonal activity.

It has antibacterial and antiviral properties that alter the environment germs need to proliferate in the oral cavity and skin.

In addition, its components minimize the strong odors that remain after eating condiments such as onion, garlic or pepper, among others.

How to prepare this natural juice to neutralize bad odors?

This natural supplement to neutralize the unpleasant odors of the skin and the mouth acts differently in each organism and according to the origin of the problem. 

You should know that its ingredients have detoxifying properties. This therefore stimulates the activities of the liver, colon and kidneys.

This means that you are eliminating the bacteria that cause the bad odor and purifying the body of waste substances.

Its caloric content is also very low. It also provides high amounts of fiber, vitamins and minerals that support the diet.


  • 1 green apple
  • 2 mint leaves
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • The juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Wash the green apple well, cut it and remove the seeds.
  • Clean the mint leaves and parsley, then cut them to facilitate mixing.
  • Then put all the ingredients in the blender glass, adding the juice of two lemons and the water, and blend for about 3 minutes.
  • Check for lumps and serve without straining.
  • Consume the juice immediately so that it does not lose its properties.
  • The ideal is to consume it every morning, just before breakfast.

To know !bad smells

In order to fight and eliminate bad breath, consume this juice on an empty stomach and after ingesting strong condiments.

For its other benefits, adopt a two-week detoxification program. Then ingest the juice every day on an empty stomach.

You should also avoid the consumption of processed foods, flour, sugars and other substances that can promote toxin overload.

Likewise, it is recommended to ingest a lot of water to support the purification processes of each organ.

On the other hand, it is good to review your habits and hygiene products in order to determine if they are effective in preventing bad odors. 

Sometimes the pH of the skin is altered by the chemical compounds in certain perfumes, which facilitates the growth of bacteria and therefore the bad smell.

If none of this works, see a doctor to find out what causes the bad odor and what treatment is best.

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