The Benefits Of Vinegar And Bicarbonate Blend

Vinegar and bicarbonate blend helps balance stomach pH, ​​fight acidity, and aid digestion, among other things.

Sodium bicarbonate and apple cider vinegar are products with many uses and benefits for the health, beauty and maintenance of the home. Discover here the benefits of the vinegar and baking soda mixture before each meal. 

Natural medicine gives us many options to prevent health problems and treat different disorders without side effects or drugs. However, some of these remedies are not available to everyone, either because they are difficult to find or because of their high cost.

That’s why we love to bring you natural remedies that are accessible to everyone, like this combination of apple cider vinegar and sodium bicarbonate. With this mixture, we have the solution to many worries of everyday life.

When you know how much we can accomplish with this simple remedy, you’ll want to start taking it today.

Vinegar and baking soda: the characteristics

Apple cider vinegar

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar isn’t just used to season salads and other dishes. It is also a medicinal remedy which helps us to purify and balance our body. It relieves and heals many health problems.

To take full advantage of the healing power of apple cider vinegar, you must ensure that it is an unpasteurized organic vinegar. Because during this process, most of its medicinal properties and nutritional values ​​are lost. So opt for a vinegar that has undergone natural fermentation and looks cloudy.

Apple cider vinegar is also used in the beauty industry and is one of the best  natural and effective household products.

Sodium bicarbonate

sodium bicarbonate natural remedies

Sodium bicarbonate is a common remedy for heartburn relief. However, this product hides a lot of other health properties.

By combining vinegar and baking soda, we regulate the acidity of the first with the alkalinity of the second. Combining these two ingredients therefore makes it possible to multiply their therapeutic virtues.

Apple cider vinegar and baking soda remedy

Health properties

This mixture

  • balances the body’s pH to fight against acidification which predisposes us to chronic and degenerative diseases
  • prevents and treats oral disorders affecting teeth, enamel and gums
  • eliminates toxins that accumulate in the body due to poor diet, pollution and stress
  • promotes the digestive process and fight against gastric acidity
  • improves the body’s natural lymphatic drainage to improve blood flow and prevent fluid retention
  • improves blood imbalances such as cholesterol and triglycerides
  • reduces high blood pressure.
  • facilitates diets to lose weight, as it satiates and improves digestion of fat
  • improves breathing problems


  • 6 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (60 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda for consumption (5 g)
  • 3 glasses of water (600 ml)

If you can’t find unpasteurized apple cider vinegar or it is not suitable for you, you can substitute it with lime juice  to achieve a balanced pH.

The amount of water is the minimum you need. You can increase this amount according to your needs.

The preparation

  • Mix the ingredients until the baking soda is dissolved.
  • Divide the amount into three parts.
  • You can drink this mixture cold, warm, or hot.

The consumption

  • Have a drink upon rising, before brushing your teeth, at least half an hour before breakfast. The most important breakfast meal of the day, because the body on an empty stomach is very receptive to natural remedies. We then multiply the benefits of night fasting.
  • Help yourself to another drink half an hour before lunch.
  • You will have the last drink half an hour before dinner.

Drink this mixture intermittently for several days, or only on an empty stomach. You will notice the result from the first drink.

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