11 Reasons For Excessive Foot Sweating

Although it may be due to medical issues that require diagnosis and treatment, in general, sweating in the feet has an easy origin to solve.

Do you feel that your feet are sweating too much? We have all already known problems with sweating in the feet and we know how very embarrassing it can be.

However, it is often an isolated episode, resulting from a long walk or because of the very hot climate.

Be aware, however, that there are various reasons if this problem occurs recurrently, but that it is usually due to a natural condition.

In a minority of cases, it may be due to medical factors and poor hygiene.

We will therefore present to you the reasons why your feet sweat too much. Pay attention to it and identify the one that concerns you.

If you cannot control the perspiration in your feet, consult a podiatrist who will help you find a solution.

1. Your feet are sweating too much because you are wearing the wrong shoes.

This is one of the main reasons for excessive foot sweating, but also one of the easiest to resolve.

Shoes are very important items, but we don’t give them all the attention they demand. If you get used to using shoes made with synthetic material or very closed, there are bound to be consequences.

  • This is due to the fact that shoes without ventilation or the unsuitable material increase the perspiration of the feet.
  • The ideal is therefore that you choose shoes made of natural material and well ventilated.
  • Moreover, tailor them to your needs and avoid ingrown toenail type problems.

2. Poor quality socks

The use of synthetic fabrics or plastic fibers in your socks has become recurrent. This can happen for economic reasons or because you like a particular style of socks.

  • The bad news  is that synthetic fibers increase the temperature of the feet.
  • This is not a problem in winter or at night. But, in hot places or during sport, it is a risk.

3. Your feet are trapped in the shoes

You might be a very busy person and your feet are spending the day locked in your shoes. If you don’t take the time to wear sandals or more comfortable shoes, then you could suffer from excessive sweating on your feet.

  • Try to take your shoes off for a few hours in the afternoon and evening.
  • To avoid lesions, it is important to have good swim slides. In addition, several times a week, wear open and comfortable shoes.

4. Foodsweating feet

Maybe you didn’t know it or believe it, but there are some foods that increase sweaty feet. This is the case with hot products, sodas and caffeine.

  • If you suffer from excessive sweating on your feet, avoid them for a few days or weeks.
  • If you see that the situation is improving, then limit these products as much as possible.

5. Health problems

Here are some other reasons why your feet sweat too much:

  • Diabetes
  • Diseases that affect the nervous system
  • Liver problems
  • The constipation

If your shoes and socks are of good quality and your diet does not contain the products mentioned but the problem persists, do a medical check-up to rule out these diseases.

6. Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a condition that must be diagnosed by a doctor.

This is a defect of the sweat glands in certain areas of the body, which  makes too much sweat for no apparent reason. 

In severe cases of hyperhidrosis, treatment may be given to control the problem. In the most extreme cases, simple surgical treatment can be used.

7. Lack of hygiene

This is an obvious reason for excessive sweating. If you don’t have good foot hygiene, it’s normal for them to sweat too much.

Through perspiration, the body releases toxins. If they feel trapped in your feet, they are looking for a way to break free through excessive sweating.

It is therefore important to:

  • Wash your feet well
  • Dry them well
  • Change socks every day
  • To use talc

8. Emotional factorssweating feet

One of the reasons your feet sweat too much can also be your morale.

In situations where you are feeling very nervous, upset, scared, stressed or excited, your feet may start to sweat.

If you’re going through a time when you can’t control your emotions, try to calm down to avoid excessive sweating.

9. Genetics

Sometimes excessive sweating comes from genetics.

Have you noticed that your family members are sweating excessively? If this is the case, you will have no choice but to purchase cosmetics and hygiene products that control this problem.

10. Infections

Infections are the perfect place to develop in the feet, if they are not well maintained.

  • The overgrowth of fungi is the result of maceration of bacteria and affects both the nails and the rest of the foot.
  • If you are suffering from this condition, you can apply infection creams. These creams can be found in supermarkets and are inexpensive.

11. Favorite shoes

Do you have a pair of shoes that you never take off because you love them? Do you use the same shoes for more than two days in a row?

If you particularly like these shoes, buy two pairs.

So you can enjoy it every day and have several colors to go with all your looks!

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