How To Quit Smoking And Detoxify The Lungs

In addition to our strength of will, in order not to resume the habit of smoking, it is important to increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C, which will help us to avoid relapse. Quitting smoking is not easy, and it is not easy to detoxify the lungs.

If you want to achieve this, take note of these tips that will allow you to end this bad habit, quickly and easily.

It is never too late to take this important step and even more so if you know how positive it will be for your health.

Because cigarette smoke contains more than 400 harmful chemicals such as:

  • Nicotine
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Tar
  • Cyanide
  • Formalin
  • Lead

All of these components can produce numerous disorders and lead to cancerous and fatal diseases.

These reasons are more than valid for you to try to get rid of this bad habit of life.

How does nicotine work on our body?to quit smoking

Nicotine is very addictive and that is why it is rather difficult to quit smoking. The body gets used to its presence in the blood and reacts through the symptom of abstinence if it does not have one in concentrated doses.

Among the symptoms that this syndrome can generate we find:

  • Irritability
  • Sleeping troubles
  • Weight gain
  • Difficult concentration
  • Gastrointestinal disturbances

All of this makes it very difficult to complete.

Steps to quitting smoking

1. Make the decision to quit smoking

No one else can make the decision to quit smoking. Nicotine is addictive and it takes a lot of willpower to stop it.

To make it a little easier, tell yourself that smoking affects your health, your physique, your lifestyle and your loved ones.

2. Set a date to quit smoking

It is possible that giving yourself a date will help you quit smoking. So make sure it is still close, not in more than 2 weeks, and do not postpone it. You will thus become aware of the stage that you are going to take.

3. Prepare for symptoms of abstinence syndrome

If you smoke in the usual way and you stop, you are bound to go through abstinence syndrome.

You need to prepare yourself mentally because when you quit smoking you might experience the symptoms mentioned above and they might wipe out all your efforts.

4. Choose how to quit smoking

You can quit smoking completely overnight or you can do it gradually. If you prefer the second option, give yourself some steps.

However, once you’ve quit completely, avoid allowing yourself a few cigarettes every now and then. You might fall back into addiction.

5. Ask for moral support

Quitting smoking is not easy. It is therefore recommended to involve your family and friends in this process.

Ask them especially to help you by not smoking next to you and that they avoid offering you a cigarette.

6. If necessary, help yourself with an electronic cigarette

It is easier for some people to use an electronic cigarette to quit smoking.

According to some studies, using an electronic cigarette while you quit smoking may help break the habit. If you think you can’t do it, think about it.

Steps to Detoxify and Cleanse Your Lungs of Nicotine

Once you decide to quit smoking, you will need to detoxify and cleanse your lungs. This step also requires some habits.

Hydrate properlyto quit smoking

Water will help you eliminate nicotine and help you stop the dehydration effect that the presence of this substance causes in the body.

Go for vegetables

There are a number of foods that can help you decrease nicotine addiction.

Try to consume more of:

  • Celery
  • Courgette
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Carrot
  • Beet
  • Cucumber

In addition, avoid consuming too many sugary foods. They contain a high sugar content and could make you want to smoke.

Eat fruit

Some fruits have many benefits for the lungs. We recommend anyone that is high in vitamin C, such as oranges and kiwis.

They will provide you with water and help your body recover the vitamins that you lose when you smoke.

Don’t forget the ginger

Thanks to its gingerol content, this root will help you strengthen your bronchi and lungs.

In addition, it will allow you to eliminate excess mucus and phlegm that tobacco could have generated.

Consume nettle

Thanks to its high iron concentration, it will allow you to eliminate from your body all the toxic substances that tobacco will have accumulated. You can prepare it as an infusion.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of nettle (10 g)


  • Bring a cup of water to a boil then add the nettle.
  • Then let it sit for 10 minutes, filter and consume.

Take eucalyptus inhalations

Eucalyptus inhalations will allow you to open the airways and expel the mucus and phlegm that you have accumulated from tobacco.

Do this for 15 minutes a day, before going to bed.

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