3 Tips For Relieving Dry Skin

Unlike dehydrated skin, dry skin is a chronic disease that can be genetic. We will tell you how to alleviate these types of skin problems in this article.

Properly relieving dry or very dry skin is essential to avoid long term skin problems. The horny layer, the most superficial of the skin, provides the protective barrier.

To fulfill its function, this diaper must contain an adequate amount of water and lipids. When these elements are lost or their quantity decreases, dryness and peeling appear.

Patients who seek relief from dry skin often feel uncomfortable. They may perceive a feeling of tightness, a lack of comfort, and even a feeling of heat or itching. If this cannot be corrected, these symptoms may appear in other areas.

Causes of dry skin

Examine the dry skin with a magnifying glass.
An imbalance between the skin’s natural oil and water can lead to excessive dryness. This, in turn, can be caused by skin problems, sudden changes in weather, and contact with certain chemicals.

The surface of healthy skin is protected by a layer, as mentioned above, composed mainly of water and sebum. This barrier (the stratum corneum) is waterproof and acts as a defense of the skin against external aggressions, in addition to preventing water loss.

When an imbalance of its two main components occurs, this defense function cannot be performed effectively. In this way, the skin begins to show different degrees of discomfort such as:

  • Temporary discomfort
  • Sensation of slight tightness
  • Light peeling

Unlike dehydrated skin, dry skin is a chronic disease. The reason is, usually, a genetic dysfunction.

However, in addition to innate dryness, it can also be developed by external factors: climatic, skin pathologies, general illnesses or medical treatments.

Likewise, certain habits favor the appearance of dry skin, for example the use of makeup for women and daily shaving for men.

Tips for relieving dry skin

Relieving dry skin is important for having great skin.
Next, we take stock of a series of treatments and tips to relieve dry skin and improve skin appearance and patient comfort.

1. Use a good moisturizer

Applying a moisturizer is one of the most effective ways to combat excessive dryness. In addition, it helps to maintain the firmness of the skin.

Any good moisturizer used to relieve dry skin should contain a series of basic ingredients in its formulation, according to this study by researchers at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine (US):

  • Glycerin : Glycerin moisturizers attract water molecules to the top layer of the skin, replenishing moisture.
  • Vaseline : this other component has the ability to retain moisture and prevent water from evaporating. In this way, it promotes hydration of the skin.
  • Niacinamide : we’re talking about vitamin B. It helps improve the skin’s natural moisture barrier, restoring and repairing the appearance of affected skin.

To relieve dry skin, we recommend that you choose a cream that contains all three of these ingredients, as it is the best way to maintain elastic and healthy looking skin.

2. Cleanse your face with a good product

Moisturizers are the only products that can soothe dry skin. However, in addition to moisturizing the face morning and night, there are other ways to combat this problem.

Special facial cleansers or neutral soaps are generally gentler on the skin than antibacterial soaps. This way, they will help you replace the moisture lost during the cleansing process.

In addition, if after cleansing your face you hydrate yourself with one of the creams whose composition is explained, the moisturizing effect will be much greater than with the simple application of a cream.

3. Drink lots of water

Drinking enough water helps relieve dry skin
Consuming water is essential for maintaining the health of the skin. Not only does it help to ensure the hydration of the skin, but it also promotes its elasticity and luminosity.

It might sound obvious, but it’s one of the things people overlook the most. It will be useless to try to hydrate the dry skin on the face if you do not keep the whole body hydrated.

Thus, it is recommended to drink at least a liter and a half of water per day, although this will depend on the needs of each person, as indicated in this study carried out by a team from the University of North Carolina (United States). ).

Finally, keep in mind that this habit will help relieve dry skin, promoting the recovery of elasticity and luminosity.

Every skin is different, so are your needs

Since dry skin is a chronic condition, treatment to combat this problem should be carried out daily to avoid any complications and improve the appearance of the face.

Go to the dermatologist to find out how dry your skin is. The specialist will then be able to recommend the most suitable products for your particular condition.

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