7 Reasons Not To Throw Out Avocado Kernel

Even though it tastes a bit bitter, it is worth using avocado kernel on a daily basis to take advantage of its antioxidant compounds and its anti-inflammatory properties.

Avocado is a delicious fruit with multiple uses, which has been used since the dawn of time in different types of diets.

For a long time, we doubted its virtues because it was said that it made you fat because of its high calorie and fat index.

However, with the passage of time, avocado has proven its nutritional qualities. It is actually a very high quality product containing healthy fats.

Now you have to convince most people that its nucleus is also a great source of healthy compounds.

For example, it has been shown to contain a lot of fiber, amino acids and antioxidant compounds which, after being ingested, work for the optimal functioning of several organs in our body.

Since many people ignore the benefits of avocado kernel, today we’re going to give you 7 good reasons to never throw them in the trash again.

1. Avocado kernel lowers cholesterol

It is estimated that the avocado kernel contains around 70% of its essential amino acids.

It can be benefited by the oil that is extracted, which has the ability to control high cholesterol levels to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

2. The avocado kernel contains fiber

This part of the avocado is believed to contain more fiber than any other food.

Fiber is a nutrient that supports digestive function, while improving the ability to absorb other nutrients and stimulating intestinal transit.

Its ingestion could control the problems of diarrhea, and although this seems contradictory, it also helps to fight against constipation.

3. The avocado kernel fights inflammation

Avocado kernel may help control the body’s inflammatory process, and reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

In several places in South America, this remedy is used to fight infections and stomach problems associated with inflammation.

On the other hand, avocado kernel could have a positive effect on healing other diseases like arthritis or osteoarthritis.

4. It strengthens the immune system

When one feels the first symptoms of the flu or the common cold, it is advisable to consume this nucleus during the day to prevent the immune defenses from weakening.

Thanks to its phenolic compounds, this food can stop viral and bacterial infections, by strengthening the immune system. 

5. It slows down premature aging

Over 50% of avocado’s antioxidants are found in its kernel.

This compound is essential in the body because it is the only one that has the capacity to fight against free radicals, which are the main cause of premature aging.

It would also bring a rejuvenating effect, able to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin, to keep it firm and without wrinkles.

6. It makes the hair resilient and shiny

Applying avocado kernel to hair can provide it with nutrients and spectacular shine.

Indeed, some people claim that it is one of the best remedies for dandruff, lice and nits. 

7. It helps to lose weight

Although its pulp is recommended for weight loss, the kernel can also be very helpful in controlling blood sugar levels.

High sugar indices impair the functioning of the metabolism and slow down weight loss.

This ingredient helps in weight control and also brings a feeling of fullness to the whole body, which prevents excessive consumption of calories during the day.

How to consume avocado pits?

Avocado pits can be included in your diet in several ways: they can be dried, grated, roasted, etc.

They are excellent in:

  • The salads
  • The juices
  • Smoothies
  • Teas
  • The soups

You should know that they have a slight bitter taste and it is therefore advisable not to put a lot of them in your preparations.

Avocado is a perfect example of the health wonders that nature offers us.

So why continue to waste its nucleus when it is so beneficial?

Although its taste is not exceptional, it is worth consuming a little to maintain a healthy body and to ward off diseases. Enjoy it!

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