An Anti-inflammatory Tea To Start Your Day Off Right

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of its ingredients, this tea helps us fight many disorders. We still recommend that you consult your doctor if you are taking anticoagulant therapy or have high blood pressure.

This anti-inflammatory tea made with natural products will help you cope with the headaches or muscle aches that assail you in the morning and complicate your day.

Made with ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, honey and coconut oil, it acts as an effective remedy for multiple pain relief, and you can use it whenever you want.

Plus, the flavor of anti-inflammatory tea is delicious!

This tea will allow you to charge yourself with energy for the rest of the day, it will give you strength and optimism.

Are you ready to take note of his recipe?

Anti-inflammatory tea with ginger, turmeric, honey, coconut oil and cinnamon

You may find it difficult to combine all of these. First of all, you should know that we are only going to use very small amounts of all these ingredients.

If you have high blood pressure, or are taking anticoagulant therapy, it is best to consult your doctor to see if you can consume turmeric and ginger.


Cinnamon stimulates our body, envelops us in its exceptional fragrance and is essential in many of our desserts.

But do you know all the virtues of a good cinnamon tea?

  • It allows us to lower our cholesterol levels.
  • Cinnamon is also great for controlling our blood sugar level.
  • This spice is an excellent thermogenic, which allows us to speed up our metabolism.
  • Its antioxidant content gives it exceptional anti-inflammatory action. It is also able to strengthen our immune system.
  • If you drink cinnamon tea in the morning, it will help you lose weight and have much better breath.


This medicinal root is best known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Curcumin, its active principle, is able to fight histamine and raise the levels of natural cortisone in our body, with the aim of controlling the inflammations that may appear there.

Used since ancient times in Asian countries, turmeric contains antioxidant compounds and multiple vitamins, as well as a large amount of nutrients, which make this spice one of the best you can eat.

  • Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and antiseptic.
  • Fights premature aging.
  • Strengthens our immune system.
  • Protects against diseases like Alzheimer’s, cancer or heart problems.
  • It can be used as a natural supplement for people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Takes care of our brain by increasing the production of dopamine and serotonin.


As we told you at the beginning of this article, if you are suffering from high blood pressure, it is better that you avoid consuming ginger.

Indeed, it will modify blood pressure, most of the time by increasing it.

But it is for this reason that it is advisable to consume it every morning to start the day with more vitality.

  • Ginger has properties similar to those of ibuprofen. It is therefore a natural anti-inflammatory which fights muscle pain and headaches.
  • It helps reduce the level of bad LDL cholesterol.
  • It is very useful in the fight against osteoarthritis.
  • Many women consume ginger tea during their period because it reduces symptoms of menstruation. It can be a great alternative to certain medications (one gram per day is sufficient).

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is very popular, especially for people who want to lose weight.

The virtues of this natural product are numerous. You can find coconut oil in a herbalist’s shop or a specialty food store.

  • If you have hypothyroidism, coconut oil is going to be very helpful in regulating the action of your thyroid gland, and in dealing with the symptoms of the disease.
  • Coconut oil is a very powerful natural antibacterial.
  • It can also help us cope with certain neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.
  • It is a natural source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which will take care of our liver and act as a very powerful anti-inflammatory.
  • It also takes care of our skin and our nails.
  • It gives us energy and resistance.
  • Coconut oil finally improves digestion and allows us to better absorb nutrients.

How to prepare anti-inflammatory tea

Preparation of anti-inflammatory tea


  • 1 pinch of ginger (1 g)
  • Pinch of turmeric (1 g)
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Spoonful of coconut oil (15 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (25 g)
  • Glass of water (200 ml)

Preparation of anti-inflammatory tea

  • The first thing to do is to heat the glass of water. Once it has come to a boil, you can add the turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon.
  • Then let the tea steep for 15 minutes. Then let it sit for another 10 minutes. Nothing easier !
  • Finally, you just have to find your favorite cup, filter all the ingredients and keep only the tea. Add a little honey and don’t forget to add the spoonful of coconut oil as well before fully enjoying this delicious anti-inflammatory drink.

There you go, you know how to make tea!

  • Sadeghi, GH, Karimi, A, Padidar Jahromi, SH, Azizi, T, & Daneshmand, A. (2012). Effects of cinnamon, thyme and turmeric infusions on the performance and immune response in of 1- to 21-day-old male broilers. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science14 (1), 15-20.
  • Mashhadi, NS, Ghiasvand, R., Askari, G., Feizi, A., Hariri, M., Darvishi, L., Barani, A., Taghiyar, M., Shiranian, A.,… Hajishafiee, M. ( 2013). Influence of ginger and cinnamon intake on inflammation and muscle soreness endued by exercise in Iranian female athletes. International journal of preventive medicine4 (Suppl 1), S11-5.
  • Pulido-Moran, M., Moreno-Fernandez, J., Ramirez-Tortosa, C., & Ramirez-Tortosa, M. (2016). Curcumin and Health. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)21 (3), 264. doi: 10.3390 / molecules21030264

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