Simple Tips To Eliminate Cellulite

In addition to preventing and eliminating cellulite, the practice of physical exercise also ensures the proper functioning of our organs. Healthy eating and proper hydration are very important.

Cellulite is caused by a blockage of blood in the blood vessels, which makes it more difficult for tissue oxygenation and the elimination of toxins. Usually it appears in the knees, legs, ankles, arms, abdomen, hips, and buttocks. Here are some simple tips for removing cellulite.

There are three types of cellulite:

  • the nascent, which is superficial and easy to fight.
  • the flask, which is a bit more difficult to remove.
  • edematous, the most serious, which causes pain and swelling and requires medical treatment to be eliminated.

The causes of cellulite

  • Hereditary
  • Circulation problems
  • Impairment of certain organs such as the kidneys or lungs
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Sedentary life

Change of habit to eliminate cellulite

Clothes that are too tight prevent cellulite from being eliminated.

At eating time

It is essential that you eliminate bad fats, alcohol and carbonated drinks from your diet, and that you consume more fruits and vegetables.

When it’s time to get dressed

Even if we don’t think about it, our clothes can be the cause of the appearance of cellulite. That is why we advise you to empty your closet and throw away any clothes that are too tight or elastic, as they prevent the proper circulation of the blood, causing cellulite to form.

Slim pants also prevent the proper circulation of blood, just like belts or underwear that are too tight, with seams and elastics.

Practice sports to eliminate cellulite

At least 3 times a week, do aerobics, go for a run, swim, or ride a bike. Remember that physical exercise is not only good for preventing and eliminating cellulite, but also for ensuring the proper functioning of all organs in the body.

Perform massages on affected areas

Perform these small massages to stimulate blood circulation in the vessels. Make small circular motions, tapping gently, as if you were kneading dough.

Watch your weight

Remember that cellulite is formed because of fat and poor blood circulation. So, if you put on a lot of weight, the orange peel will appear. On the contrary, if you are losing weight, it is easier to get rid of it with exercise, creams, and a good diet.

Also be aware that gaining weight can cause a lot of problems for the body and health. So, adopt good eating habits, and play sports.

Don’t over-salt your dishes

Salt helps the body retain fluids. Thus, toxins accumulate longer in the body, causing problems like cellulite, constipation, etc.

Home remedies to remove cellulite

Oatmeal and seaweed soap

These products are easily found in health food stores. All you need to do is wash the areas affected by cellulite with oatmeal soap, rinse, and then soap yourself with the seaweed soap. Soap yourself in circular motions to help your blood vessels function properly.

Papaya to eliminate cellulite

Prepare a puree with half a papaya, and add a few tablespoons of brown sugar, which is essential for moisturizing and exfoliating your skin. Mix vigorously until you obtain a homogeneous paste, then apply to the areas where cellulite is found. Papaya helps eliminate dead cells, and firm the skin!

Green tea

Green tea has a multitude of benefits, but here we will only talk about its antioxidant and diuretic action which helps eliminate cellulite.


This infusion is one of the most recommended. Indeed, it improves blood circulation, participates in the elimination of fluids and bodily waste, and purifies the kidneys. This is why it is recommended in cases of fluid retention and urinary tract infections.

This infusion also acts as a laxative, and helps relieve constipation and stomach upset.

Lemon to eliminate cellulite

Lemon helps eliminate cellulite.

You can also prepare lemon infusions to lose weight and fight cellulite. Indeed, this citrus fruit will help you to purify the body, and to eliminate the fat which accumulates there.

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