How To Grow Blueberries At Home

Not only are bilberries a great ingredient to incorporate into pies, they are also a healthy fruit. Find out here everything you need to know if you want to grow blueberries at home.

The bluish color of blueberries is attractive and unique, as is their incomparable taste. If you are very keen to have blueberries in your home, this article is for you! Find out everything you need to know to grow blueberries here.

Bilberry is a berry that grows in a shrub called the blueberry, which belongs to the Ericaceae family  It is a very appreciated fruit, which is why it is a very coveted ingredient in baking. It is found in many sweet recipes!

In addition to its delicious taste, this fruit also has beneficial properties for health: it is rich in nutrients. It stands out in particular for its high levels of vitamin C, fiber, potassium, iron and calcium.

These berries also contain a high concentration of natural pigments with antioxidant actions.

All of these characteristics provide many health benefits.

  • Antioxidants, antocyanins and carotenoids are involved in the formation of bones and teeth, the creation of red blood cells and the absorption of iron. They also neutralize the agents that harm the body.
  • Potassium promotes the proper functioning of the muscular system and the nervous system.
  • Fiber helps regulate the intestinal flora.
  • The vitamins strengthen the immune system, which helps prevent certain diseases. In addition, thanks to their high vitamin content, blueberries are recommended for pregnant women.
  • Their antiseptic action is important in combating infections caused by germs.

There is no doubt about it… Growing blueberries at home is a very good idea! Wondering how to do this and what considerations should be taken into account? We tell you everything here!

Growing blueberries: the pot

grow blueberries

The type of pot and its size depends on your starting point to begin the planting process.

If you are starting with seeds, you can use a small container. On the other hand, if you are starting with a plant, use a small pot.

Of course, as the shrub grows you will need to adjust the size of the pot or plant the shrub directly into the ground.

At most, the size of the pot will not exceed 60-70 liters. You will have to wait until the third or fourth year for that.

Growing blueberries: the soil

Bilberry prefers acidic soils, preferably with a pH close to 4.5. For this, you can use additives, such as compost, sulfur or peat.

Cottonseed meal and pine leaf fertilizer are also effective.

Growing blueberries: the different stages

  • In a small container, place a thick towel, then pour a little water.
  • Put some seeds in the container.
  • Introduce the seeds one by one into the soil. Cover them well.
  • Water the plant regularly and make sure to maintain a good level of humidity.
  • Place the pot in a well-lit area protected from the wind.
  • Both in the soil and in the pot, the soil must be smooth and flexible in order to guarantee good oxygenation and good drainage of the plant.
  • Once it’s planted, you can prepare a stuffing made from branches or leaves of oak or pine. This will help prevent the emergence of weeds, conserve moisture, and bring acidity to the soil.

Growing blueberries: special care

grow blueberries

Do not put too many seeds in one pot : the plant needs a certain space to grow properly. The soil should be moist when planting.

When the plant has grown, you will need to replace the pot or plant the plant directly into the ground.

When it is time to do it, the roots of the plant should be completely moistened so that they do not suffer during the operation. We recommend moving her around in a bucket of water for about ten minutes before planting her again.

Once the operation is complete, wet the soil where the shrub was replanted.

Finally, keep in mind that the best time to grow blueberries at home is during the cold seasons. The blueberry is a plant that adapts very well to cold, and even to extreme temperatures.

On the other hand, this plant does not like heat, which is why you have to be very careful and ensure that it is not directly exposed to the sun during spring and summer.

As you may have noticed, growing blueberries does not require so many special precautions to ensure optimal growth.

In addition, there are the many benefits provided by blueberries and their various uses.

It is therefore a great idea in addition to a great hobby.

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