9 Surprising Effects Associated With Low Serotonin

Beyond anxiety and depression, low serotonin can send many signals that we should not overlook because they can help us. indicate that something is wrong with that neurotransmitter.

Serotonin is the chemical that makes us happy, which triggers a pleasant feeling of general well-being in us. A drop in serotonin can negatively affect our emotional state.

Serotonin, or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), in addition to acting as a neurotransmitter in our brain, also acts as a hormone when it enters our blood stream.

It therefore has a significant impact and many functions in the functioning of our body and our mind. We know it is, among other things, essential for our bone health, liver regeneration and cell division.

This chemical compound in our body is as fascinating as it is wonderful. Indeed, thanks to 5-HT, we can have an internal balance that guarantees the well-being of all the processes that are essential to our overall health. In the rest of this article, we tell you what the effects of low serotonin are.

It is important to take into account that these symptoms are often attributed to other illnesses, when they may simply be due to dysfunction in the neurotransmitters or hormones. However, you must see a doctor if you suspect the situation is serious.

1. Low serotonin levels cause digestive problems

You may have never heard of peristases. This term refers to the contractions that occur in our digestive tract that have a simple purpose: to transport the food and fluids we ingest through our digestive system.

When there is a drop in serotonin, our cells produce less calcium. The less calcium we have, the more our digestive muscles relax. They no longer contract sufficiently and our digestion may seem slower and heavier to us.

2. The relationship between low serotonin and irritable bowel syndrome

Here is a very interesting data: about 95% of the serotonin that we produce is stored in our intestines. Serotonin deficiency can therefore have a major impact on the functioning of these organs, which are so precious to our body.

  • It is very likely that we suffer from episodes of constipation if we experience a drop in serotonin.
  • In addition, due to the muscle deterioration of the digestive system mentioned above, we expose ourselves to irritable bowel syndrome.

If you have the conditions above, ask your doctor to order blood tests to see if your symptoms are potentially related to low serotonin in your body.

3. A weakened immune system and a drop in serotonin

The imminent system is weaker when we have less serotonin.

If you are feeling very tired at the moment, suffering from muscle weakness, extreme fatigue and a constant bad mood, and in addition you have frequent infections or colds, you should quickly consult your doctor.

A low level of serotonin can weaken the immune response of our body, which then no longer protects us as well against disease.

4. Alterations in the biological clock

Low serotonin levels can totally alter our circadian rhythm. Most of the time, people who have it may feel more sleepy during the day than at night.

However, we should point out that this daytime sleepiness can also be the consequence of a state of depression. Endogenous depressions can also be caused by a drop in serotonin.

5. A strong taste for salty foods

The decrease in serotonin increases the urge to consume salty foods.

Here is some pretty amazing information: People who suffer from a lack of serotonin in their body have a higher need for sodium than others, which is why they are very attracted to salty foods.

However, this symptom alone is not sufficient to immediately diagnose 5-HT deficiency. It must be associated with other symptoms such as a constant bad mood, fatigue, digestive problems …

6. Depression

We have already pointed this out in this article. A drop in serotonin can cause a drastic drop in our state of mind. In fact, there is a direct relationship between serotonin and the development of depression.

This relationship is rooted in the decrease in the number of receptors capable of receiving serotonin and, conversely, in the increase in the level of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps regulate serotonin.

Sometimes just improving our diet and playing sports is enough to improve our state of mind, if the depression experienced is mild.

However, in the majority of cases, it is necessary to resort to medication to restore our serotonin levels to normal levels.

7. Anxiety

Our bodies have around 14 different receptors for serotonin, with 5-HT1A being the most important receptor. If at some point in our lives this receptor experiences some dysfunction, we will become much more susceptible, nervous, preoccupied, and anxious.

It is a very curious phenomenon that we must take into account. Indeed, anxiety, like depression, can have chemical origins.

8. Migraine and low serotonin

The drop in serotonin causes migraines.

Serotonin plays a key role in the development and onset of migraines.

The origin of most of these incapacitating headaches is to be found on the side of a deficiency in tryptophan, the precursor of serotonin, which regulates its production.

9. Memory problems

Lack of attention, fatigue, difficulty concentrating on and remembering certain information are disorders that can also be related to serotonin.

These symptoms are common in people who suffer from depression. However, when the affected patient consumes suitable drugs, it can quickly be absorbed.

Serotonin is fundamental for well-being

To conclude, we have seen that serotonin is involved in a large number of our bodily processes. The 9 aspects just mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg.

This is why it is necessary, if you suffer from any physical or emotional discomfort, to consult your doctor. Eating a balanced diet, exercising and taking the right medication can quickly restore the well-being that you have lost.

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