Top 5 Raw Foods For A Flat Stomach

Onion helps us speed up our metabolism and lower blood sugar levels. We must eat it raw, because it loses up to 60% of its enzymes during cooking.

You have surely already heard of the raw food diet that allows you to take care of your figure and lose weight. When it comes to raw foods , rest assured, there is no question of eating meat or fish without cooking them.

According to nutritionists, increasing your intake of raw vegetables and fruits not only helps us burn fat. But also to prevent many diseases, and even to delay aging. 

The great benefits of eating raw foods

There are many foods that give us more benefit if  eaten raw. Indeed, they are richer in vitamins, trace elements and digestive enzymes and moreover, help us to feel more full.

However, it is obvious that when consuming them raw, it is essential to know the origin of the fruit or vegetable. The more natural it is, the less chemicals or pesticides it will contain, and therefore it will be better.

So, if possible, get these foods in organic stores or specialized markets. 

How do raw foods help you?


Goodbye abdominal bloating 

If you are used to suffering from dyspepsia or gas, consuming 5 raw fruits or vegetables a day will help you fight these annoying problems.

  • Chew slowly to make it easier for food to get into the stomach.

In addition, it helps to secrete digestive enzymes and optimal absorption of nutrients. Remember that eating raw foods is the best way to avoid constipation.

You feel more full 

This type of raw food allows us to better absorb food. They also help our brains produce a series of neurotransmitters that tell us when we are full. It also increases the level of serotonin, which improves our morale.

You delay aging 

The high antioxidant content of these raw foods allows us to delay the appearance of wrinkles.

According to a study from Tufts University in Boston, eating raw fruits and vegetables every day allows us to have more antioxidants to fight against brain aging and fight many degenerative diseases such as, for example, Alzheimer’s disease.

Raw foods maintain sodium / potassium balance 

Did you know that eating raw vegetables is a great way to get potassium? Indeed, certain fruits and vegetables are ideal for countering excess sodium and obtaining the balance necessary for our good health.

Raw foods are great for losing weight :

Many people eat raw foods to lose weight. This is indeed a very effective way. Because, in fact, these low-calorie and fat-free foods help us feel more full.

You should be aware that following such a diet requires strength and willpower. It is about eating 5 raw fruits and vegetables throughout the day, in addition to the seeds and sprouts. By combining them with other foods that provide you with protein, you will succeed in achieving a flatter stomach. However, we must be well aware of the effort that this requires.

What are the best raw foods?

Broccoli and watercress

Broccoli and watercress are great for your health and great for regulating our weight. This is why we advise you to consume them between once and twice a week. In addition, it is recommended to consume them raw. Indeed, when these plants are cooked, they lose the enzymes that protect us from cancer and improve digestion.

  • To eat them raw, you just need to cut them into very small pieces and mix them with other sprouts.

Red pepper


Red pepper does not contain fat and speeds up our metabolism. It will always be healthier if you eat it raw. In this way, you fight against constipation, you allow your stomach to digest better and you will get multiple vitamins and antioxidants.

  • Don’t forget to cut it into very thin slices in your salads.


The onion brings an original touch to our dishes, and which combines so well in the elaborate cuisine. You should know that if you cook it, 60% of its enzymes that aid our digestion and provide us with such healthy minerals and antioxidants  are lost at 60%.

  • The solution is to eat it raw and in small quantities.

Thus, you will succeed in speeding up your metabolism. In addition, you will benefit from this substance called glucokinin, which helps us lower blood sugar.

Green apple

It is best to consume a green apple in the morning with the skin on, rather than as a jam or juice. It is a very healthy way to take care of our health, lose fat and achieve a flat stomach.



To make your delicious rice or even meat dishes, you often add garlic cloves, because they bring a lot of flavor. However, be aware that if you consume them raw, you will get much more benefit.

In fact, by cooking them you lose allicin, this component which acts as a natural antibiotic and as a purifier of our organism.

How do you feel about starting the day, for example, with a glass of water with a clove of raw garlic?

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