3 Homemade Exfoliators To Eliminate Blackheads

When preparing these homemade exfoliators, we will need to take our skin type into account. If it is too sensitive, we may have to go for the softer ones.

Blackheads are a cosmetic problem. They appear when fat accumulates and gradually hardens. Fortunately, there are different homemade scrubs that can help us get rid of them. The part which is exposed to the air oxidizes and takes on a rather unsightly black tint.

Who are the people who suffer from blackheads?

We have all had blackheads at some point in our lives. This is why we should not worry about it. On the other hand, it is necessary to reduce as much as possible the traces they can leave.

The problem is that many people have very large pores, as well as very oily facial skin. Which increases the problem of blackheads.

The older we get, the more our skin becomes prone to certain diseases. And if you don’t have a rigorous cleaning method, you have blackheads that make it worse.

Our hormones are playing a trick on us and driving our cells crazy. And that’s when we can be affected by this problem.

Homemade exfoliators to eliminate blackheads

Today we present three great homemade exfoliators below. You will most certainly find all the ingredients at home, and you won’t have to spend large sums of money.

Deep homemade exfoliation

3 homemade exfoliators to eliminate blackheads: deep exfoliation

If you have never cleaned your skin before, you should start with exfoliation. It is one of the most profound treatments that helps remove many blackheads.

On the other hand, you shouldn’t do it more than once a week, as it can be aggressive on your skin.


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)
  • The juice of a lemon


  • Combine the ingredients until you get a smooth dough.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water and apply this mask in circular motions.
  • Move your fingers in all directions over the affected areas.

Also, don’t forget these tips:

  • You should not put too much pressure on your face.
  • You can replace the baking soda with sugar. But it is a bit more oily and it can hurt your skin. Remember, you should try to have as gentle an exfoliant as possible.
  • You need to exfoliate each area of ​​your face for 4 minutes to remove impurities and dead skin from the face.

Egg white homemade scrubs

3 homemade exfoliators to eliminate blackheads: paper towels and egg white

For this homemade exfoliant you will need paper towels or kleenex and an egg, of which we will only use the white.

  • First, wash your face with lukewarm water. Lukewarm water helps to open the pores, and thus improves the extraction of blackheads. It is important that the face is freed of its fat so that the egg white can properly attach to blackheads.
  • Apply the egg white all over the face in circular massages. Emphasize the areas where you want to extract the blackheads.
  • Then apply a paper towel to your face. Then reapply a layer of egg white on top, so that it is soaked.
  • Let it dry, then remove the tissue or paper towel from your face.
  • As if by magic you will find many black dots stuck to the dried mask.

Homemade Tomato Yogurt Exfoliators

We chose the tomato for its antiseptic properties. You can mix it, crush it or squeeze it to extract the juice.

Yogurt, on the other hand, will help hydrate and remove fat from your face.

  • Mix the ingredients then apply the paste on your face.
  • Take a few minutes to give yourself a massage, as it has a double effect. On the one hand, by rubbing you will eliminate blackheads and on the other hand, the nutrients will penetrate the skin better.

Try to take 30 minutes of your time to massage your face with these ingredients.

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