Reduce Varicose Veins With Olive Oil And Calendula Treatment

Both Calendula and olive oil have anti-inflammatory and toning properties. Combined in a single treatment, they are ideal for improving the appearance of varicose veins.

Varicose veins represent a highly unsightly condition. They occur when the veins and capillaries dilate because of the difficulty of the blood to flow back to the heart. Fortunately, there are some natural remedies that have circulation-enhancing properties to effectively reduce varicose veins.

The appearance of varicose veins can arise from an inflammatory imbalance of the tissues of the body.  Or, because of the weakening of the valves which regulate the passage of the blood flow.

Usually, they do not cause symptoms. But sometimes they are accompanied by an unwanted feeling of heaviness and tingling in the lower extremities.

In addition, because of their swollen and bruised appearance, they can cause self-esteem problems among those who suffer from them.

Among the natural options to reduce varicose veins,  we find a prodigious treatment based on olive oil and calendula. Used topically, it helps fight them effectively.

We will tell you in this article what their properties are and how to prepare it in a few steps at home.

Treatment to reduce varicose veins

Treatment to reduce varicose veins

The natural treatment of olive oil and Calendula has for years been a great ally to exceptionally reduce the appearance of varicose veins and venous networks.

These two ingredients have anti-inflammatory, toning and calming properties.  After absorption through the skin, they reduce the size of dilated veins and then activate blood flow to the affected areas.

Its use by massages relieves the feeling of heaviness. And also stimulates the functions of the lymphatic system for optimal elimination of toxins and fluids that complicate the elimination of this problem.

Although it is not a miracle product, its regular use improves and eliminates the damage caused by diet and other bad habits.

Benefits of olive oil

Olive oil is an exceptional food thanks to its high level of essential fatty acids, vitamin E and minerals.

These nutrients help fight inflammation, facilitate good circulation and stimulate the expulsion of substances to be eliminated.

Its high intake of omega 3, a type of healthy fat, improves blood flow through the veins and restores the function of one-way valves.

All this, added to its antioxidants, minimizes the dilation of the veins and calms the tension associated with this problem.

Benefits of calendula

Benefits of calendula for reducing varicose veins

Calendula flowers have anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which, after assimilation, optimize the circulation of blood flow through the arteries.

They have been used for centuries as a treatment for inflammatory problems. Because they reduce inflammation while restoring circulation.

They contain flavonoids, vitamin C as well as essential minerals whose absorption improves the tone and regeneration process of the skin.

It is one of the best alternative remedies for varicose veins, since it de-inflames the blood capillaries while facilitating the return of blood to the upper part of the body.

How to prepare this treatment to reduce varicose veins?

The preparation of this treatment must be carried out with 100% extra virgin olive oil. Indeed, it is of much better nutritional quality.


  • 10 fresh Calendula flowers.
  • ¾ cup of extra virgin olive oil (150 g).


  • Glass container with closure.


  • Cut the flowers and place them in the glass container.
  • Stir in the olive oil and make sure it completely covers the Calendula.
  • Close the container tightly and let it macerate for 10 days in a dark place.
  • Then separate the remnants of the flowers from the oil and apply it.

How to use

  • Take the necessary amount of product and then apply it gently to the areas affected by varicose veins.
  • Use light continuous circular motions, exerting gentle pressure on the affected area to stimulate blood flow.
  • Check that the product is absorbed perfectly and leave it to act overnight.
  • Reapply 3 or 4 times a week, preferably before going to sleep.

Do you still suffer from varicose veins? Do not hesitate to prepare this treatment at home by including it in your beauty treatments to reduce them in a short time.

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