Japanese Technique For Relieving Stress

In addition to localized massages, we can also use different relaxation techniques that help us to relax tensions and find well-being.

No one can deny the fact that stress is “the evil of the 21st century” and that it has many negative consequences for our health. In Japan, a revolutionary technique was created to eliminate stress, fatigue, nervousness and anxiety in a matter of minutes.

Would you like to know her? So read this article.

The Japanese method of relieving stress

Exhaustion and fatigue, associated with daily obligations and loads, form a whole harmful to our health. It seems that stress is a frequent thing, while health and peace are not.

When the going gets tough at work or at home, we advise you to follow this extremely interesting oriental technique.

In the West, we do not know the power that each part of our body has in general and the fingers of the hands in particular.

Each of them is linked to an emotion or a feeling. The theory indicates that depending on whether you press or massage a point, a particular pain is relieved.

If you put your palms together and press for a few seconds, you can eradicate the whole negative from your life in a matter of seconds (including some pains or illnesses that develop as a result of toxic emotions).

To better understand this mechanism, we must first discover the power of each finger of the hand.

  • Thumb: Worries, nervousness and stress.
  • Index: Fears.
  • Major: Anger and nervousness.
  • Ring finger: Depression, sadness and difficulty in making a decision.
  • Little finger: Pessimism, lack of energy and anxiety.

The “scientific” explanation of this technique is based on the fact that the hands are connected to the brain, to the area that takes care of our emotions.

To engage this mechanism, you must wrap the fist of the left hand with the fingers of the right hand.

Then, apply pressure only with the finger that corresponds to your pain or problem.

Hold for 30 seconds, rest and repeat for 30 seconds. Do it as many times as you want.

Press your fingers and improve your life

Another possibility for working emotions with the fingers is based on a Japanese art called “Jin Shin Jyutsu” (more or less means “the art of happiness”).

It is necessary to massage certain points of the hand according to what happens to us. The thumb represents worries, the index finger fears, the middle finger anger, the ring finger sadness and the little finger pretensions.

Open one of the hands and pay attention to the finger that corresponds to your situation.

Press on both phalanges for a few minutes using the thumb and forefinger of the other hand, or with the fist closed so that the finger in question is “locked in”.

When you are done, change hands and repeat the exercise.

These techniques help to eliminate stress or emotional problems, but also to relieve physical pain.

In this case, we explain what each finger is used for:

  • The thumb: stomach and spleen, headache or stomach and skin problems.
  • Index: kidneys and bladder, muscle pain and digestive problems.
  • Major: gallbladder and liver, period or head pain, visual or blood problems, and fatigue.
  • Ring finger: colon and lungs, indigestion, respiratory problems (especially asthma).
  • Little finger: heart and intestine, bone problems.

Other oriental techniques to fight against stress

It seems that Asians are experts in the “zen” attitude, tranquility and good humor. This is why most of the exercises and methods we recommend here come from this continent.

In addition to benefiting from the virtues of the techniques of the fingers of the hand if you suffer from a significant degree of stress, we recommend that you choose among the following techniques:


The first vestiges of the practice of this technique and philosophy of life date back to 3000 BC, according to paintings found in India. It is a technique of meditation, with the aim of uniting the body with the soul.

Throughout history, several branches of yoga have been developed but all have the same goal: to achieve a balance between the physical and the spiritual. 

Among the many benefits of yoga, we find: losing weight, eliminating pain (especially back pain), toning muscles, providing flexibility and fighting against depression and eliminating stress.

Relaxation is achieved with the help of various postures, depending on each person.

The “forest bath” (Shinrin-Yoku)

To be able to put into practice this technique known as “ Shinrin-Yoku “, You have to walk barefoot in a park or in a field.

The idea is that when we walk, nature must enter our body through the five senses. It serves to improve courage, creativity and health, and also to relieve stress.

You have to walk on the lawn, at least for an hour, twice a week.

You have to pay attention to what surrounds you, with a tea or a fruit juice. Ban cell phone and problems.

According to studies, this helps reduce blood pressure, cortisol (the stress hormone) and anxiety, while strengthening the immune system and stimulating cognitive functions.

Tai chi

It is a discipline that claims to find the perfect balance between body and mind, using slow but vigorous movements. It’s fun and for all ages.

It is a martial art, but also a relaxing activity. Among its benefits, we can eliminate stress, help with physical stimulation, the elimination of body stiffness and the flow of positive energy.


It is a Japanese technique that helps us relieve any type of pain due to stress, such as stiffness in the shoulders and back.

It is based on the pressure at various specific points in the body, each of which relates to the nervous system and organs.

It reduces tension and activates energy, but also eliminates toxins, regulates blood pressure and anxiety, and alleviates sleep disorders.

The Do-in

This practice was invented in China and aims to improve the quality of life for the elderly.

It is based on a series of breathing exercises to reduce nervousness, stimulate balance and achieve serenity.

It is also used at work during critical moments. Here are its benefits: good conscious breathing, meditation assistance, muscle strengthening, sleep recovery and the elimination of tension or stress.


It is also a martial art but, unlike karate or taekwondo, it brings mental serenity, rejects the violent and respects other people.

The movements are circular and improve the ability to concentrate which balances the mind, eliminates stress and tones the muscles.

The word “aikido” means “path of energy and harmony”.

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