Potato Juice To Optimize Hair Growth

Both the pulp and the skin of the potato can help us prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth. bringing shine.

Potato juice is a grandmother’s natural remedy that promotes hair growth. As this is a grandmother’s remedy, it is very likely that you have heard of this remedy before. But if not, don’t worry: here we tell you everything you need to know on the subject.

Among all the hair problems that affect men and women today, hair loss ranks first. This disorder, due to multiple factors, represents a cosmetic problem and a health problem that may indicate a nutritional deficiency. It can also be due to genetic factors. Fortunately, in most cases there is a solution.

In addition, hair loss can go hand in hand with difficult growth. It is therefore difficult for those concerned to sport long and healthy hair. In response to this need, we offer you a natural alternative: potato juice.

Why is potato juice good for hair growth?


The potato juice as an alternative treatment for hair is an interesting way for him to bring essential nutrients such as vitamins A, B and C. A deficiency in these vitamins can weaken the structure of the hair and promote dryness and hair loss.

Potato juice also provides minerals like calcium, manganese, zinc and iron. These minerals play an important role in general health, including hair health.

Even though the consumption of potatoes is beneficial, topical application is even more effective in solving hair problems.

How is potato juice made and how is it applied to the hair?

There are several alternatives to take advantage of the benefits of potatoes as part of a treatment to promote hair growth. Juice is an interesting option, because all the vitamins of this vegetable are found in this juice.


  • 4 potatoes
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


  • To start, wash the potatoes well and cut them into several pieces.
  • Then put them in the blender and add a little water.
  • After obtaining a puree, filter it using a muslin cloth.
  • After separating the juice from the pulp, proceed to processing.

Mode of application

  • To stimulate hair growth and thicken it, apply the product obtained to the scalp with gentle massages.
  • Then spread the juice over the rest of the strands and cover your hair with a charlotte.
  • After 20 or 25 minutes, rinse it off with lukewarm or cold water.
  • You should do this treatment every day, until you notice results. When this is the case, continue the application three times per week.

Potato water to strengthen the hair

The pulp of potatoes makes it possible to display a more abundant and well nourished hair. With the skin, we can prepare a special water to strengthen and complete the treatment against hair loss.


  • Potato skins
  • 1 liter of water


  • Wash the potato skins well and then put them in a saucepan with a liter of water.
  • Let it boil for a few minutes and, once the potatoes are cooked, remove them from the heat and let them rest.

Mode of application

  • Use the potato liquid as a rinse water after washing your hair.
  • Do this two or three times a week in order to get satisfactory results.

Use potato juice as part of a skincare routine

Woman looking at herself in the mirror

Not only does this juice promote hair growth, it also works as a natural conditioner : the hair is shinier and less damaged. 

In conclusion, keep in mind that it is good to use the virtues of the potato to improve your hair health. Although its effects are not immediate, potato juice will help you achieve your goal. Are you going to test this remedy?

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