3 Reasons To Consume More Beets

Adding beets to your diet helps us purify toxins and detoxify the body, as it allows us to improve work from the digestive system and eliminate fluids.

The beet is characterized by a spectacular color, and represents a gift for our health and our well-being. Are you already seduced by this beneficial food?

You should know that this vegetable has several medicinal principles which make it excellent in many treatments.

It is primarily a mineralizing food, and although it is one of the richest tubers in sugar, this variety of sugar is much better assimilated than conventional cane sugar.

It is worth having some in your kitchen, for making soups, salads and even energy-purifying smoothies.

Today in this article we are going to walk you through the reasons why it is good to include beets in your diet on a regular basis.

1. Beetroot: an energy food to fight against anemia

Beet juice against anemia.

Beetroot is an energy supplement very suitable in cases of convalescence, to cover the low levels of iron when we suffer from anemia.

It contains a high nutrient content, and energy capable of revitalizing us on those days when we feel more fragile than usual, or when we wake up with a headache.

In fact, its most interesting vitamins are those of the B group, and are very suitable for producing red blood cells, providing us with energy and strengthening our immune system.

Take note of its interesting composition. For 100 grams of beetroot, we benefit from:

  • Energy 46.10 Kcal
  • Protein 1.56 g
  • Carbohydrates 8.38 g
  • Fiber 2.58 g
  • Cholesterol 0.00
  • Water 87.40 g
  • Calcium 17.00 mg
  • Iron 0.91 mg
  • Iodine 0.40 mg
  • Magnesium 21.00 mg
  • Zinc 0.36 mg
  • Selenium 0.62 mg
  • Sodium 58.00 mg
  • Potassium 407.00 mg
  • Phosphorus 12.00 mg
  • Vitamin B1 thiamine 0.02 mg
  • Vitamin B2 riboflavin 0.04 mg
  • Niacin 0.32 mg
  • Folic acid 83.00 mg

Morning beetroot remedy


  • A small cooked beet
  • An Apple
  • 1 carrot
  • A glass of water (200 ml)


  • This morning smoothie can be prepared very quickly if you have a good blender and the ingredients are already ready.
  • Wash the carrot and the apple well (no need to peel it in order to benefit from the composition of its skin, which is rich in pectin), and put them in the blender to obtain a very homogeneous juice.
  • Mix with the glass of water so that the preparation is not too thick, and drink this delicious smoothie when you get up.

2. Beetroot is purifying

Beetroot consumption for health.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with hypertension, hyperuricemia or gout, you will be happy to know that regular consumption of beets is very good for treating these conditions.

This is due to its purifying principles, its richness in fiber and its content of minerals capable of stimulating liver function, purifying the intestines, promoting renal work and preventing water retention.

Beetroot is an excellent diuretic that will help us eliminate toxins and all the elements that tend to ignite or generate uric acid in our blood.

Take note of how we can consume beets to obtain a suitable detoxification of the body.

Remedy to purify the organism


  • 1 medium beet, already cooked
  • The juice of a lemon
  • A glass of water (200 ml)


  • This remedy should be taken 15 minutes before meals.
    In this way, you will improve digestion, absorption of nutrients and purification of waste substances.
  • Squeeze the lemon and pour the juice obtained into the blender, with the already cooked and peeled beetroot.
  • Mix everything and add the glass of water to obtain the smoothie with the shimmering color.
  • Drink it little by little. Despite its amazing taste, you will find that you will feel much better!
  • Consume this remedy 3 times a week and watch the progress. 

3. Beets, a natural medicine for the thyroid gland

Did you know that beets are very high in iodine?

A deficiency in this important mineral can generate serious alterations in the thyroid, hence the fact that it is good to introduce this vegetable into our diet on a regular basis.

The betalains contained in beets allow us to prevent the swelling of the thyroid gland.

However, you should know that cooking them at high temperatures causes them to lose these active ingredients.

Thus, we advise you to boil them with steam and put them in the oven before peeling them.

In this way, you will be able to benefit from their properties in order to avoid problems such as goiter.

In addition, we must not forget that they are very rich in antioxidants and they are able to inhibit the activity of many enzymes that generate inflammation, water retention and swelling in our body.

You can prepare rich salads made from beets, without forgetting that their leaves are also good for you. 

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