The 10 Thieves Of Our Energy According To The Dalai Lama

Energies are keys to achieve success and overcome all obstacles that come our way. We can renew these energies every day in order to use our qualities, our talents, and all that allows us to distinguish ourselves as an individual.

Tibetan philosophy recognizes that each individual is made up of energies and that these elements are decisive in our personal and professional development. In this context, the great Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, defined the 10 “thieves of our energy” who can undermine this personal energy balance.

In the first place, we all have a certain charge of energy which we must learn to use in a positive way but which we must also not disperse. The energies allow us:

  • to be motivated in our work
  • have a positive mind to face everyday situations
  • to make the most of the opportunities available to us

Why does the Dalai Lama tell us about energy thieves?

We have the power within us to dominate the energies and use them in our everyday life. However, certain internal and external agents often come to disturb our energy levels. These disruptors then cause a decrease in our motivation, our state of mind and our productivity.

In this article, we will identify the 10 thieves of our energy according to the Dalai Lama in order to dominate them and avoid the interference that constrains us.

Stay away from toxic people

The Dalai Lama says that we must “let go of people who only want to share reproaches, problems, stories, disasters, fear and who judge others. If someone is looking for a place to throw their trash, make sure it’s not your mind ”

We all have the ability to recognize who are the people who bring positive things to our life,  and who are the people who want to prevent us from achieving what we want.

Pay your debts on time

There is nothing better for our peace of mind than knowing that we don’t owe anyone anything and that no one owes us anything.

In order to preserve our level of energy in the face of difficulties related to debts, the Dalai Lama offers us the following reflection. “Pay off your debts on time. At the same time, make the one who owes you something pay or choose to free him from it, if it is impossible to force him to do so ”.

Being responsible with our debts helps us to be serene towards the people to whom we owe and towards ourselves. It is always better to do what we can to free ourselves from debts and not have to hide, or be ashamed, because we cannot pay them. 

Keep your promises

“If you don’t keep your promises, ask yourself where this reluctance is coming from. You always have the right to change your mind, apologize, compensate, re-negotiate, and offer another alternative when a promise is broken, even if it doesn’t have to be a habit.

The easiest way not to have to hold on to something you don’t want to do is to say NO right off the bat ”.

Promises, no matter how small, are very important to the people to whom we make them.  That’s why keeping our promises makes us better people, both professionally and personally.

Delegate what you don’t want to do

“Avoid as much as possible and delegate the tasks you don’t want to do, and dedicate your time to doing what you love”.

It is not a question of shirking our responsibilities. On the contrary, it is about being aware that sometimes it is better to give a job to someone who is more able to do it than to do it ourselves if we are not in the best conditions to do it. .

It is important to do things that are truly meaningful in our lives.

Rest and take action

Another way of saving our energy according to the Dalai Lama: “Give yourself the right to rest if at certain times you need it. Give yourself the right to act if you want to seize an opportunity ”.

Nature and our lives have different daily rhythms. It is then important to know how to handle this. Not taking a break when we need it can be a big mistake. Likewise, failing to act when we can, can generate a lot of future remorse.

Throw away, store and organize

“Throw away, put away and organize. Nothing takes more energy than a messy space filled with things from the past that you no longer need ”. This simple reflection of the Dalai Lama also presents an attitude which proves favorable to our energy level.

This recommendation concerns both physical and spiritual things.  It is indeed very important to throw away what we no longer need and leave behind the past.   We must know how to keep only what allows us to live well in the present and to fulfill our dreams for the future.

Take care of your health

“Put your health first. Without your body mechanics working at their peak, there’s not much you can do. Know how to rest ”.

Here again, this common sense word from the Dalai Lama helps us to conserve energy and quality of life. Often we are looking for the best work, a lot of money and a lot of material goods. However, what good is it if we cannot enjoy it because we are not healthy. Let’s listen to our body.

To enjoy life with the best possible energies, we need to dedicate some of our time to our body. Let’s take the time to detoxify him, meditate, feed him well, exercise, or see a doctor. You have to know how to give yourself the means to be in good health.

Face difficult situations

“Face the toxic situations you tolerate. From your problems with a friend, family or coworker to negative behaviors from your spouse. Take the necessary measures ”.

Dealing with difficult situations is the healthiest way to deal with problems. It’s also the best way not to let them degenerate into something worse.

It is important to analyze and make a decision on time. Indeed, postponing or deciding to ignore things can only generate stress and complicate the search for solutions.


It is one of the most difficult recommendations of the Dalai Lama but one of the most important in order to preserve our energy.

“Accept. It is not resignation. Nothing wastes more energy than resisting and fighting a situation that you cannot change ”.

We all sometimes think that nothing is impossible, and that hope is the last thing to lose. However, there are times when we have to come to terms with a situation that we cannot change. The only way to do it then is to accept.

Accepting doesn’t mean we have to stop struggling. When we accept that we can’t change something, we have the ability to change our plan. It is then possible to look for other opportunities.


“Forgive, let go of a situation that hurts you. You always have the choice to let go of the pain of memory ”.

One of the greatest sources of energy is love and connection with God, which teaches us to forgive. Certainly, sometimes life puts us in situations that fill us with anger and pain. This resentment and fear are often difficult to overcome.

However, if we decide to stop fueling these feelings by starting to forgive, our entire life will improve. We will then realize that we have made a good decision.

Hatred, resentment, anger are indeed feelings that bring us nothing good. Worse, they can guide us to very bad choices.

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