6 Health Benefits Of Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the richest vegetables in vitamin C. It is also an important source of calcium and vitamin K, which makes it an ideal food for people with lactose intolerance.

Broccoli is part of the cruciferous vegetable family, whose nutritional qualities are exceptional, and are very beneficial to our health.

He suffered from a great popularity deficit for years. However, many people are starting to incorporate it into their diet in order to benefit from all of its properties.

It is not a question of consuming it in an exaggerated way. 100 grams of this vegetable in fact provide 150% of our daily vitamin C requirements.

It also contains vitamin K, B complex vitamins, iron and zinc.

Its content of antioxidant compounds and essential minerals means that it  has a protective effect against the development of certain diseases, including cancer.

The scientific community has carried out numerous studies in recent years. These made it possible to determine more precisely the contributions of a regular consumption of broccoli.

We will therefore reveal to you, below, the 6 most important benefits of this delicious green vegetable. This may encourage you to consume more of it on a daily basis.

1. Broccoli decreases the risk of cancer

Just like other cruciferous vegetables, broccoli has a complex chemical makeup, in which it is difficult to determine the precise compounds that work against the development of cancer.

However, in the current state of scientific knowledge, it appears that broccoli reduces the risk of suffering from cancers of the prostate, breast, colon and rectum.

Its phytochemicals, its sulforaphane content and its phytonutrients would be responsible for this incredible property.

Consuming 1/2 cup of this vegetable per day, or 2 cups per week, might be enough to achieve a significant effect against malignant cells.

2. Broccoli is rich in antioxidants

Oxidative stress, caused by the action of free radicals present in our environment, generates a negative impact on the cells of our body, affecting our skin, but also our internal organs.

The antioxidants in broccoli work effectively to inhibit these dangerous particles. With the aim of reducing inflammation, premature aging and the risk of developing chronic diseases.

The most significant example is that of vitamin C. Its action helps to strengthen the oxygenation of the body. When combined with flavonoids like quercetin, or kaempferol (which are also present in broccoli).

3. Broccoli improves visual health

Broccoli contains a significant amount of riboflavin, also known as vitamin B, whose action allows our eyes to adapt to changes in light.

A deficiency of this nutrient in the body can lead to inflammation, blurred vision and eye strain.

Conversely, a regular ingestion of riboflavin makes it possible to prevent cataracts, or to slow down their growth.

On the other hand, broccoli contains the two carotenoids that play an important role in the health of our eyes: lutein and zeaxanthin.

These two substances reduce the risk of developing diseases associated with the macula of the eye, such as macular degeneration, or iris problems.

4. Broccoli protects the heart

The nutrients essential for the balance of cholesterol in the body are fibers.

Broccoli contains a significant amount of it, which can be of great help for patients who have high levels of this lipid substance in their blood.

Sulforaphane, a substance that activates proteins in the body, also helps to slow the creation of fatty plaques in the blood vessels.

Patients who are at high risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases should ingest this raw vegetable, to benefit from all its properties.

5. Broccoli prevents and controls diabetes

Foods that are high in fiber but low in calories are ideal for preventing and controlling diabetes.

A half-cup serving of broccoli can provide 5 grams of fiber, for just 50 calories.

In addition, this vegetable contains beneficial substances, able to prevent the damage that this disease can cause to the blood vessels.

6. Broccoli improves bone health

Broccoli is one of the foods recommended for people with lactose intolerance.

Indeed, this cruciferous vegetable contains calcium and vitamin K, nutrients essential for the fortification of bones, and the formation of osteocalcin.

It is especially recommended for women going through the menopause stage, as the decrease in estrogen can cause loss of bone density.

Include it in your diet!

Now that you know all the benefits of this food, don’t hesitate to include it in your daily diet as soon as you can!

We advise you to consume it raw, so as not to alter its nutritional composition, because once subjected to the heat of water vapor, broccoli loses most of its anti-carcinogenic qualities.

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