7 Things To Know About Nail Fungus

Even though it is not a highly contagious infection, it is possible to get yeast infection when you share shoes or socks or personal hygiene items, such as a nail clipper.

Nail fungus or onychomycosis is a very common infection that can affect both hands and feet.

It is characterized by a series of changes in the appearance of the nail, among which we find the appearance of cracks, a yellowish color and an uncomfortable feeling of itching.

They appear because of a decrease in the body’s immune response. However, they can also arise because of:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Certain types of shoes
  • Exposure to contaminated surfaces

While their presence does not represent a serious health problem, it is essential to take care of them, not only for cosmetic reasons but also because they can cause pain and other complications.

In addition, it is important to know some important data about the disease in order to take preventive measures.

Discover them!

1. Fungal infections on the nails are contagious

nail fungus

Although it is not a highly contagious condition, it is very important to know that yeast infections can be transmitted in certain situations.

There is no risk if you are next to someone who has it. But there are if you share shoes, socks and nail clippers with that person.

It is also possible that the microorganisms remain on the surface of the shower and the floor . It is therefore necessary to use shower shoes.

2. Habits that help prevent them

Practicing certain healthy habits has been shown to help reduce the risk of developing yeast infection.

Personal use items should not be shared. But you also have to keep your nails clean, free of moisture and short.

After getting out of the shower and before using your shoes, you should dry your feet well with an absorbent towel or cloth.

Additionally, socks should be made of breathable fabrics that prevent moisture retention.

On the other hand, it is essential to have a balanced diet, rich in nutrients that help strengthen the immune system.

3. Not all treatments are effective

Applying natural remedies can be quite helpful in reducing and controlling infections caused by these microorganisms.

However, in some cases, they are not effective. Indeed, mycoses manage to survive their effects and continue to proliferate.

Thus, the best is to seek medical attention to receive skin and oral pharmacological treatments.

These types of options tend to work best, although they can take several months to take effect.

4. It is a very common condition

Nail fungus is often caused by dermatophyte-type yeast infections which tend to grow easily in humid and warm environments.

Many people feel ashamed when they suffer from it, yet it is a very common infection in the population. In fact, more than half of people have it at least once in their life.

The risk of infection increases with age. And since it is difficult to detect them at first, many people can suffer from them without knowing it.

5. Excess moisture increases the risk

humidity feet

Overwashing your hands or keeping your fingernails in contact with water for an extended period of time is another factor that increases your chances of getting yeast infections.

This is because excess moisture damages the protective layer of the nail and weakens the cuticles. This indeed facilitates the passage and growth of microorganisms.

6. Their appearance is linked to athlete’s foot

Most of the patients who have nail fungus problems also suffer or have suffered from the condition known as “athlete’s foot”.

It is also an infection due to yeast infections, characterized by a set of discomforts on the skin that protects the feet.

It is very common among athletes and swimmers. Indeed, these two groups are exposed to environments which facilitate the growth of mycoses.

7. They can alert other diseases

The sudden presence of nail fungus can be a sign of chronic health problems such as circulatory difficulties, diabetes, or a vulnerable immune system.

In addition, there is also a greater risk of contracting it when you have had skin problems such as psoriasis and dermatitis.

Now you know all this data about nail fungus. So, monitor them regularly and improve your care to prevent their development.

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