Why Should You Consume Quinoa?

It was the main food of the Incas for centuries, until the conquest of the Spaniards, who brought corn with them. Today, quinoa is consumed all over the world.

Quinoa is a seed also known as a “mother seed”. It is a plant from the beet and spinach family. So, consume quinoa to take care of your health.

It contains different nutrients, from seeds to leaves. Among its nutrients, we distinguish amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and a high fiber content.

Quinoa provides approximately 16 grams of protein per 100 grams. Likewise, it contains 6 grams of fat per 100 grams of product. Find out why you should consume quinoa.


  • High protein level up to 25%.
  • Contains minerals: iron, magnesium, calcium.
  • Vitamins: C, E, B1, B2 and B3.
  • Rich in amino acids.
  • Provides omega 6 fatty acids.
  • Very low glycemic index.
  • Rich in fiber.


1. Helps to lose weight

A girl and her pink scale

Want to lose weight ? So don’t hesitate to include quinoa in your diet.

  • Its fiber and protein content helps speed up the digestion process. In addition, it also eliminates bad cholesterol (LDL) which lodges in the intestinal walls.

Hence, it reduces the problems of constipation.

  • On the other hand, you have to take into account the iron and vitamin B12 in quinoa, which help in energy production and weight loss.

When our body does not have enough vitamin B, nutrients are not synthesized efficiently. In addition, consuming quinoa makes you feel full.

2. Reduces cholesterol

  • As we have already mentioned, quinoa contains soluble fiber, which helps in shedding excess fat every time we consume a food.
  • Likewise, the quantity of fatty acids is responsible for increasing the good cholesterol (HDL) and reducing the bad cholesterol (LDL).
  • On the other hand, one should not forget about the antioxidant substances which help to improve the metabolism and to clean the fats fixed in the arteries.

3. Gives energy

If there is one food that should not be missing in the diet of an athlete, it is undoubtedly quinoa.

  • It is a seed that contains proteins and amino acids, essential for building muscle and recovering tissue after physical exertion.
  • Minerals and hydrates make it an essential source of energy.
  • Quinoa contains twice as much protein as other grains.

4. Moisturizes the skin

Quinoa is an antioxidant food made up of flavonoids. These are responsible for preventing premature aging and cleaning out excess toxins from the body.

  • It also contains lysine, which promotes the production of elastin and collagen, which means damaged tissue heals faster.
  • On the other hand, it contains riboflavin, which contributes to the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.

5. Consuming quinoa reduces migraines

consuming quinoa reduces migraine

When there is pain associated with migraine, vascular enlargement occurs as the nerve fibers that surround blood vessels in the brain stretch. So there is pain, inflammation and muscle spasms.

Quinoa contains a high percentage of magnesium. This mineral promotes blood circulation, and above all it has the ability to relax the veins.

6. Ideal for celiacs and diabetics

Quinoa is gluten free. People with celiac disease can therefore include it in their diet without any danger.

People with diabetes can benefit from its low glycemic index, which regulates blood sugar levels and controls blood pressure.

7. Strengthens the hair

Its combination of nutrients, vitamins, calcium and phosphorus increases the rate of moisture in the scalp, also prevents dryness and controls the appearance of dandruff.

How to prepare it?

Quinoa germinates very quickly and is a great option for getting protein without consuming meat.


  • 1/2 cup of quinoa (100 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (16 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • Salt (at your convenience)


  • To start, wash the quinoa well under running water for a few minutes.
  • Then heat the oil in a pan and add the quinoa to sauté.
  • Then add the water and add as much salt as you want.
  • Finally, cover and cook over low heat.


Once cooked, quinoa can be used in:

  • Soups or salads.
  • Quinoa flour is useful in making cakes and cookies.
  • It is used to make cereals or muesli.

So, are you ready to eat quinoa and include it in your diet?

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