5 Breakfasts That Stimulate Our Brain

If we add eggs to our breakfast, we bring proteins to our body, which help us activate our brain and make us feel full for longer.

We’ve heard it a million times: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’s very serious, breakfast is essential. It boosts your metabolism and helps maintain a balanced and healthy weight. But did you know that breakfast also stimulates your brain?

This is why we are going to talk here about the adequate breakfast, which is precisely not a bowl full of sweet cereal with empty calories. If you eat a good breakfast, you will be more alert, energetic, and mentally sharp throughout the day.

The keys to a healthy breakfast are protein and whole grains: the best foods to start your day. We are going to tell you about 5 breakfasts that stimulate our brain.

1. Oatmeal

When you sleep through the night, you are fasting. This is where the word “lunch” comes from: breaking your fast. When you wake up, your brain needs a fresh supply of sugar or glucose in the blood.

Although a sweet breakfast will quickly raise your blood sugar levels, it will cause your glucose to drop a few hours later.

Whole oatmeal (like all wholemeal flour), moreover, is absorbed slowly in the body. Instead of suffering from a drop in sugar, your blood sugar level will rise at a slow and steady rate.

Studies show that children who ate oats for breakfast score better (20%) than children who ate sugary cereals. This supports the theory that high blood sugar affects memory and concentration.

2. Eggsour brain

Eggs are a smart breakfast option. They are rich in protein and because protein takes longer to digest by our body, we feel satisfied for longer.

This means that it not only helps you control your weight but also helps keep blood sugar at healthy levels.

Egg whites contain the purest form of protein. The high quality of the protein in the egg helps the body to absorb it better.

But not only that, eggs are also full of vitamins and minerals, which are other compounds needed to keep your body and mind working.  

3. Peanut butter on toasted wholemeal bread

Besides being delicious, this breakfast is an energy booster. With peanut butter, you get the benefits of protein (which makes you feel more satisfied than if you had eaten a sugar cake).

Thanks to the toasted bread, you get the quality that keeps the blood leveled and regulated throughout the day.

If, in addition, you add a little sliced ​​banana on your toast, you will add even more good vitamins, especially potassium, which will help you to keep your brain oxygenated for clearer thoughts and to banish stress.

4. Greek yogurt stimulates our brainour brain

Eating yogurt for breakfast is nothing new, but Greek yogurt is more and more popular.

This type of yogurt not only contains twice the protein of common yogurt, but it is also better and creamier than traditional yogurt. The extra protein will make you feel better, more satisfied, and fuller all morning.

In addition, Greek yogurt is also very low in carbohydrates. The carbohydrates you find in a donut or other types of sweet bread will cause a significant drop in sugar at the end of the day. These drops in diet generate a decrease in mental lucidity.

Add a little fruit or almonds to your Greek yogurt to improve the taste, benefit from healthy fats in your diet and thus gain more energy, among other benefits.

5. Dinner for breakfast

Why change and have dinner for breakfast? Surely there are rules that say you can’t. And, if you are tired of always eating the same thing in the morning every day, eating dinner for breakfast can break your monotony. 

Of course, we’re not talking about pizza or reheated chicken wings. Instead, think of a baked potato with Greek yogurt and sprinkled with scallion. Or a bountiful vegetable soup with a little whole grains and crusty bread.

Truly, creativity has no limits and you can create endless nutritious dishes that help you perform better all day long.

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