Homemade Recipes To Stop Buying Certain Products

If we prepare our meals at home, in addition to saving money, we make sure that all the ingredients we use are natural, and that they do not contain any harmful preservatives.

When you go to buy your lunch at the supermarket, or when you order your dinner from home, you are wasting a lot of money on food that is often not very healthy. In this article, we are going to offer you several recipes to make at home to stop buying certain manufactured foods, in order to save time and have a more natural and varied diet.

Homemade recipes for breakfast

Cereal bars

These are foods full of vitamins and proteins, which give you enough energy for the whole morning. You can make them yourself by mixing a handful of oats, a handful of walnuts, another almonds and a few spoonfuls of honey in a container. You can also add raisins, according to your taste.

Mix and then put in the oven until you get the consistency of a classic bar. Cut the portions as you wish.

The cereals

It is common to eat cereals, mixed with milk or yogurt, for breakfast. You can make them yourself with toasted nuts, dried fruits and oats. For even more energy, also add strawberries cut into small cubes.


Rather than consuming refined flour, make your own pancakes with wholemeal flour. You can also add raisins, which will give you good fiber without adding too much sugar to the recipe. They will thus help you improve your digestion and reach a state of satiety more quickly.


Did you know that you can make your own jams and jellies with almost any fruit? You will no longer need to buy them at the supermarket and thus avoid preservatives and other additives. Strawberry jam is the most traditional, but you can make it with apple, orange, peach, banana, pear, etc.

Boil the same amount of sugar, fruit and water in a saucepan and allow the mixture to thicken.

Homemade recipes for a snack


It is a delicious recipe, of Arab origin, made from chickpeas mixed with garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, cumin and paprika. Let the chickpeas soak overnight, and cook them for two hours. Then mix them with the ingredients mentioned above, adding a little cooking water, until you get a kind of paste. Ideal with toast or pancakes at the end of the day. 

Fresh cheeses

It is not difficult to make your own fresh cheeses. Ricotta, for example, is easy to use in many dishes and will always be fresh, in your fridge, so you can eat it whenever you want.

cream cheese

This Mexican sauce is really very easy to make and does not require any cooking. Cut an avocado in half then remove the pulp and mix it with the onion, chives, red and green peppers, as well as lemon juice. You can then add a little olive oil and garlic if you wish. Make wholemeal flour tortillas to accompany.


It’s something so simple that it’s not worth buying them ready-made. Mix flour, oil, salt and make small balls. Stretch them until they are very thin. Then cook them on each side, with a little oil, until golden brown. You can put them in the freezer and take them out when you’re hungry.

Fruit sandwiches

Let the skin of a fruit dry, such as an orange or a grapefruit for example. Add lemon, sugar and spices, then enjoy it all. This is ideal when you have a sweet tooth and dinner time is still far away.


You can use any type of seed to make healthy and delicious butter. Those of nuts are great, but you can create endlessly.

The bread

The main advantage of making your own bread is that you can use wholemeal flour and add seeds. You can also innovate and make your bread delicately sweet with raisins or a little honey.


The instant soup that we all know, like prepared broths, are not good for our health because they contain preservatives.

To avoid consuming them, cut the vegetables you like (leek, potato, celery, squash) into pieces, cook them then, once they are soft, let them cool and serve them in small individual containers. Then put them in the freezer if you want to keep them for later.

vegetable soup

Homemade recipes for lunch and dinner

The burritos

They look like tortillas, but their consistency is different. You can garnish them however you like, with vegetables, meat, chicken and cheese. Then wrap them in aluminum foil and freeze each serving to consume them whenever you want.

Salad seasoning

Olive oil and balsamic vinegar are essential elements in your cooking. You can mix them with other ingredients, then let everything macerate. The oil pairs particularly well with dried bay leaf, basil or rosemary. For vinegar, nothing better than carrots, eggplants and onions with escabeche.


It’s as easy as mixing flour, eggs, oil and salt. Make a paste out of it, then cut out any shapes you want. Nothing more delicious to fill your family. You can also keep them in the refrigerator to consume them whenever you want.

Tomato sauce

Canned or brick tomatoes are not good for our body. Avoid using them and make your own tomato and spice-based sauce. Boil the tomatoes, peel them and cut them into slices. Add oregano, basil, thyme and salt, and cook everything in a little water.

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