The Role Of Wedding Witnesses

You have been chosen as a witness and you don’t know what to do? In this article you will be the protagonist. We tell you everything you need to know to be a good witness.

It is a great honor that we are chosen to be a witness at a wedding. However, even if we don’t think about it at first, the question of what wedding witnesses actually do will come to our mind sooner than we might expect. That is why we are going to devote this article to answering this very important question.

The commitments of marriage witnesses

First of all, it’s important to clarify that wedding witnesses can be anyone. This choice is totally at the discretion of the bride and groom. Although they are usually one of the couple’s parents, it is quite possible to choose a friend. A cousin. Or even a brother. He is someone who is generally very close to the couple.

In addition, it is necessary to clarify that there is no exact limit of people who can be the witnesses of the marriage. It is the couple who will decide. And who will communicate his decision to the people concerned. So that they also know if they can be present on the wedding day or not.

Participate in the organization of the wedding

role of wedding witnesses

One of the main tasks of the witnesses of the wedding is to participate in all the details of the organization of this magnificent and so special day. This could be, for example, the choice of costume or dress, the type of menu that will be served in the restaurant or the tasting of the cake that will be served at the end of the invitation.

Another of the aspects in which the witnesses will have a great importance will be in the decoration of the place where the wedding will take place. At this point, they should help the bride and groom to do whatever is necessary to have everything ready by the time of the ceremony. And may the event be perfect.

Organize stag and hen parties

wedding witnesses and bachelor party

This is one of the funniest parts for wedding witnesses: organizing a bachelor party or bachelorette party. The point we just touched on earlier is perhaps the most annoying and the one that causes the most stress. However, when we talk about the two feasts that must precede the wedding, there is mostly fun, festivities and joy.

Needless to say, the bride and groom don’t have to know when their little party will take place, even though they must know that the witnesses are up to something for them. It will be a total surprise and, according to the wishes of the couple, a collective event or two very distinct parties will be organized.

When organizing the festivities, witnesses must take into account the tastes of the person. For example, if it is a calm person, it might be better to spend a weekend in a spa. Likewise, if the couple likes to sing karaoke, it may be worth reserving a room to do so with their loved ones.

Be there on the big day

When the wedding day arrives, wedding witnesses will still have some work to do. Their “obligations” do not end with the previous two points. We can also note:

  • Help to dress the bride and groom : they will accompany them not only to help them dress, but also to give them words of encouragement in order to calm the tensions that can occur at this high point in life.
  • Accompany them to the altar : each witness must accompany one of the members of the couple to the altar. Or at the place of celebration of the marital union.
  • Toast : after the wedding and during the party, you can dedicate a few words to the couple. There can be some funny anecdotes. Fascinating words. And above all, a thank you for choosing them to be part of this sacred moment.

With all this, the witnesses will have accomplished all that is expected of them. We hope that if you are in the process of planning a wedding or have been chosen as a witness for a wedding, you no longer have any doubts about all the aspects which motivate the choice of witnesses.

Remember that being chosen as a witness to a marriage means that the couple who are going to marry have a special affection for you. You are important to them. Therefore, what could be better than to help them in every way possible to make the celebration of their marriage the happiest day of their life.

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