A Gel That Stops Bleeding In 10 Seconds

A young American student has succeeded in developing a gel capable of instantly stopping bleeding

Joe Landolina, a 17-year-old entrepreneur had just entered New York University when he made a discovery that could save millions of lives around the world. He created  a gel capable of instantly stopping internal and external bleeding  in less than 10 seconds and without putting pressure on the lesion.

Joe has shown great interest in tissue engineering, also known as regenerative medicine. The product called Veti-Gel, started as a project when Joe was just in his first semester of college.

This idea won a New York University competition, and as a result, Landolina and Isaac Miller (her partner) received enough money to start their Suneris, Inc. business.

Today, Joe Landolina is in the process of taking over his own business,  armed with a master’s degree in bio-medical engineering and a company of 10 people.

Everything is in motion to move forward with this project. It would save lives in emergency departments and trauma rooms around the world.

The gel has been tested in veterinary clinics. Currently, around 1,600 veterinarians are hoping to obtain samples of the product for critical analysis.

gel to stop bleeding

What is Veti-gel made of?

The gel designed by Joe Landolina consists of a plant-derived analogue of an extracellular matrix (ECM). It is a network of proteins and sugars that are found around cells, which can vary from organ to organ.

The gel breaks down into small pieces like small legos. When applied to a wound, it can reconstruct the pattern of the existing extracellular matrix.

In addition, it can also have benefits when applied to the skin and to different parts of the body.

Veti-gel “makes an exact copy of what is in its environment”. This means that it adapts immediately to the particular properties of the area where it is used. Likewise, according to Landolina, “as soon as it is applied, the body begins the healing process”.

Veterinary tests

Veti-gel samples will first be tested by veterinary clinics, to prove its effectiveness in stopping bleeding in seconds.

Once testing is complete, the product will be sent to the United States Military Department prior to final approval and market launch for surgical use in humans.

Landolina assures us that he is optimistic. He believes that Veti-gel will be approved for distribution in the market at the end of next year.

This product will turn into a life saver in emergency rooms and surgical operations around the world.

Veti-gel may stop bleeding during vascular surgery for level 4 liver trauma. This surgery is very complex and can sometimes cause bleeding that is very difficult to control.

With this powerful gel, surgeons will be able to stop this type of bleeding in less than a minute. Which is key to the success of many operations.

Treatment of bleeding and also burns

In addition to its ability to stop bleeding in seconds, Veti-gel’s technology also has other important applications in the treatment of burns, wound healing and other therapies.

Research on its benefits continues and Suneris continues to research through several studies, the effects of Veti-gel on health.

Although the product is not yet on sale, the results obtained so far are very promising. In particular for its ability to stop bleeding.

Veti-gel will be a useful product in many fields of medicine. And we hope that it will also be very useful in veterinary medicine.

Its inventors have not disclosed its price or terms of sale. But in all cases it is a very important advance in medicine. It could even prove to be key in saving many lives in the future.

Using Cayenne Pepper to Stop Bleeding

cayenne pepper can stop bleeding

In addition to the mentioned gel, there are also natural alternatives that allow us to cope with bleeding at home. One of them and perhaps the most effective would be red pepper or cayenne pepper.

This condiment has great health benefits. And this since antiquity when native Americans already used it as a medicine.

The use of cayenne pepper is very simple. Since it is enough to apply a little powder directly to the bloody wound.

After that, it is worth waiting 15-20 seconds for the blood to stop flowing. It is important to take into account that the pepper should be used only in case of small cuts or scratches.

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