A Natural Remedy For Family Sleep

Getting to sleep can be difficult at times and not sleeping well can become a real problem in everyday life.

Sleep is essential for enjoying good physical and emotional health.

However, the modern lifestyle, worrying or distraction with electronic devices, among others, can decrease the quality of sleep and influence the development of many disorders that affect health.

In addition, you should know that sleep disorders also affect the health of our children.

Usually, we don’t pay enough attention to their quality of sleep, and we don’t realize that they also have problems falling asleep.

Indeed, we believe that when we leave them in their bed, they immediately fall asleep like little angels, but we are all wrong.

How can I find better sleep?

The sleep

To fight against sleep problems, both in children and adults, it is important to change your nighttime habits. They can be decisive for relaxation and thus, better sleep.

  • Eat two hours before bed: Many people make the mistake of eating dinner right before going to sleep, without taking the time to digest. It is very important to change this habit because it is best to eat something light two or three hours before going to bed. This allows digestion time and prevents sleep interruptions.
  • Avoiding the consumption of stimulants: The consumption of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, tea and coffee can have a direct influence on sleep problems.
  • Avoid the use of tablets, cell phones or other devices: If you want to have a good quality of life and better rest, you should avoid the use of tablets, cell phones, televisions and other types. electronic device.
    Several studies have found a link between the use of these devices and sleep problems. Experts recommend stopping using them an hour before going to bed.

Other tips:

  • Take a relaxing bath:  A bath of lukewarm water with some essential oils with relaxing properties, can help you get to sleep better.
  • Infusions: The consumption of infusions can also be of great support in improving the quality of sleep.
    Some herbal teas have relaxing properties that help you sleep better and prevent problems like insomnia.
    Among the recommended infusions, we can find: chamomile, mint, passionflower, lime, lemon balm or thyme among others.
    Whatever herb you choose, just put a cup of water to boil and add a few leaves or the flowers of the plant to it. Let sit for 5 minutes and drink 20 or 30 minutes before going to bed.

Ointment with essential oils for better sleep

The sleep

In addition to the previous advice, a good option for better sleep is to prepare this ointment with essential oils. It has relaxing properties that will help improve the quality of sleep. 


  • ¼ cup of cocoa butter (50 g)
  • ¼ cup of coconut oil (60 ml)
  • 20 drops of lavender oil
  • 12 drops of chamomile essential oil
  • 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

How to prepare this ointment?

  • In a small saucepan, put the cocoa butter to melt in a bain-marie, with the coconut oil.
  • Then let it sit for 10 minutes and add the rest of the essential oils to it.
  • Finally, put the mixture in the fridge for a few hours and use it when it has reached a creamy consistency.


  • Take a small amount of the ointment and apply it to your feet or your children’s feet before going to sleep. This massage will help you relax and fall asleep faster.
  • Put on socks and go to bed immediately!

To consider !

This natural product is an alternative to fight against sleep problems and sleep better. Therefore, since it is natural and non-toxic, it can be applied in children over 5 years old.

However, this remedy does not work as a healer for all chronic sleep disorders, which must be treated by a specialist.

It is therefore very important to consult a doctor in the event that these sleep problems are recurring.

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