A Nutritional Decalogue To Combat Stress And Chronic Fatigue

To avoid aggravating your stress, we advise you to drink only one cup of coffee a day, just before noon.

Also replace sodas with natural juices to get fitter, in a healthy and sustainable way.

Fatigue is almost always temporary, and can be the result of intense physical exertion, a lack of sleep or a poor diet.

However, on some occasions it is possible to suffer from “chronic exhaustion”, a situation that is far from being a one-off, which lasts over time and prevents us from leading a normal life.

The causes of this chronic fatigue can be numerous, from well-identified pathologies, to vitamin deficiency or masked depression.

In this article, we’re going to tell you about one of the most underrated causes of chronic fatigue – stress.

Stress is a daily pressure that we sometimes have trouble managing, and which gradually weakens us.

By changing your habits, and paying more attention to yourself, you can better cope with stressful situations that plague your everyday life.

Pay attention to your diet and follow some simple rules, which we will present to you, to gradually recover from the state of exhaustion you find yourself in.

Are you ready to put all of our advice into practice?

1. Start your day with a glass of lukewarm lemon water

It is an ideal way to alkalize your body, to purify toxins and to strengthen your immune system.

Lemon juice is a natural source of vitamins and minerals, which is great for combating exhaustion and stress.

So do not hesitate to consume it every morning, just when you get up, for 5 consecutive days.

Relax on the weekend, then do it again the following week. You will see the good it will do you!

2. Eat oats

Oats are a “superfood” rich in essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It also has virtues for your nervous system.

This is because it contains an alkaloid called “avenin” which acts as a mild sedative.

This action will allow you to start the day in a more relaxed way, with all the nutrients you need to avoid classic morning fatigue.

If you accompany your bowl of oats with a few almonds, you will strengthen its properties even more.

3. Drink only a cup of coffee and say goodbye to sodasstress

We all know coffee is a natural stimulant, but it also has antioxidants and energy properties.

It is therefore advisable not to stop coffee completely, but to drink only one cup per day for breakfast. It will help you wake up and be in a better mood.

However, it is very important not to exceed this daily dose, and never to drink coffee during the afternoon.

Otherwise, your nervous system will be affected by an unwelcome feeling of nervousness.

Many people suffer from chronic exhaustion and stress because they consume too much cola soda to build courage, or to stay awake.

But be aware that this is a significant health risk.

The high sugar content of this drink (whether the soda is light or not) worsens the symptoms of fatigue.

The activation of the organism is only temporary, and the descent is sudden. Opt instead for a natural fruit juice, or a glass of lemon water.

4. Exercise daily

Even if you feel tired, take into account that this state of exhaustion is caused by stress, and that a little daily exercise will allow you to combat this phenomenon.

You can go out for a walk, swim, cycle or dance. The level of your endorphins will increase, and you will improve your heart health.

5. Get 8 hours of sleep a day and take a 20 minute nap after lunch.

Even if you can’t get to sleep, close your eyes and try to rest. Your body, and especially your brain, needs it.

Just remember that you have to go to bed and wake up at set times.

All of this will help you have a better quality of sleep, as well as reduce your stress and fatigue.

6. Breathe the pure air of a natural space

Take some time to enjoy nature, for example spending half an hour in the open air, in a wooded area.

Feel the cool breeze caress your face, the sun brown your skin. Breathe deeply and disconnect your mind.

Think of nothing and let yourself be carried away by the calm of nature. It’s very therapeutic.

7. Eat plain yogurt without sugar

Specially suitable for breakfast, plain yogurt is also ideal for afternoon tea.

It helps us regenerate the intestinal flora and increase our production of serotonin, a hormone that regulates and improves our state of health.

It also helps reduce stress and regulate body temperature, which will help you get better quality sleep at night.

8. Eat dark chocolate without sugar

A natural source of antioxidants, magnesium and calcium, dark chocolate is very effective in reducing chronic fatigue and stress. And what’s more, it’s delicious!

Don’t hesitate, and take a piece of dark chocolate with you to work. You can consume between 40 and 50 grams per day.

9. Eat more blue fish and less meat

Rich in protein and fatty acids that are healthy for our hearts and bones,  blue fish is a staple that we all need to include in our diet to combat fatigue and stress.

Salmon, trout or sardines will allow you to reduce your level of cortisol in the blood, to avoid the headaches as well as the joint pains which often occur during periods of stress.

Blue fish is very healthy, so don’t hesitate to eat it regularly!

10. A glass of wine a daystress

A glass of wine a day helps you take care of your heart, regulate your blood pressure, lower your cholesterol, and fight your anxiety and stress.

Do not give up this treasure of nature, but always consume it in moderation.

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