Baking Soda: The Nightmare Of The Pharmaceutical Industry

Baking soda is the nightmare of the pharmaceutical industry. 

An oral solution of baking soda and magnesium chloride helps eliminate toxins. And therefore to prevent many health problems. This is why baking soda is the nightmare of the pharmaceutical industry.

Indeed, baking soda is a product used since Antiquity. It is an ally of health, beauty and the home.

This product is still a source of investigation in many places around the world. Indeed, it is assumed that its properties could be even more developed than those we already know.

For many people, it is hard to believe that an element as common as baking soda has so many virtues. Indeed, it would be more beneficial than many pharmaceutical products which promise to improve health.

Obviously, numerous tests prove that baking soda can help prevent and fight against many diseases. It could even fight chronic health problems like cancer and diabetes.

In fact, some doctors have already started to use it and recommend it more often. So, it actually offers a lot of benefits.

Find out why the pharmaceutical industry dreads baking soda.


Oncologists are very familiar with baking soda. This is because it may reduce the effects of chemotherapy and radiation on organs as important as the liver or kidneys.

baking soda and pharmaceutical industry

In many countries around the world, small doses of baking soda have been started to be diluted in water. The goal is to create an alkalizing drink to cure acidosis and other health problems.

Knowing the benefits of baking soda, many emergency rooms have used it to save lives.

In addition, it has been discovered that a combination of baking soda with other substances like iodine or magnesium chloride would be a highly potent remedy in different medical treatments.

Using baking soda

One of the main natural benefits of baking soda is its alkalizing power.

People who have problems with lack of bicarbonate ions suffer from low pH in the blood. This then leads to health problems, generated by the acidic environment of the body.

Cells function better by creating a slightly alkaline environment. This once again confirms the effectiveness of baking soda. The pharmaceutical industry has no interest in this being known!

  baking soda

A good diet is essential to maintain proper pH levels in the blood.

However, the current lifestyle, unhealthy diet, and increased consumption of unhealthy foods prevent people from eating good nutrition. This then creates an acidic environment in the body, which in turn will lead to the onset of disease.

When the body’s pH decreases and becomes acidic, there is a greater risk of developing chronic diseases. This is the case with cancer, gastritis, osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease, among others. 

In this sense, baking soda is a great ally of health. It helps to carry oxygen through the dilation of blood vessels and the release of oxygen into tissue cells. It thus makes it possible to lower the pH to a normal or even slightly alkaline level.


Baking soda has been shown to help prevent serious health problems like arthritis, gout, flu, kidney stones, or diabetes, among others.

In addition, it helps the pancreas to carry out its activities, which include the production of ions, insulin and glucan.

Given the health benefits of baking soda, people can start consuming it as an effective natural treatment for dealing with various illnesses.

The mixture of baking soda and magnesium chloride can be taken by mouth.

These two ingredients work to effectively release the toxins that tend to accumulate in tissues, cells and organs.

Baking soda has become the nightmare of the pharmaceutical industries because of its many virtues.

It is an economical, safe and effective product that can be used without any problem. Of course, always in moderate and precise quantities. The pharmaceutical industry has every interest in it not being known!

In any case, it is important to consult a doctor to find out if the consumption of baking soda presents a possible health risk.

So far, studies allow us to state that some people can suffer from side effects, such as thirst, headaches, swelling in the legs or weakness, among others.

Now you understand why baking soda is the nightmare of the pharmaceutical industry!

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