Baking Soda To Lose Weight

To lose weight, the best thing to do is to consult a doctor, to follow his indications and, in general, to improve our lifestyle . This is the only way to achieve good results and, moreover, to enjoy better health.

Baking soda is a substance that can be very helpful around the home. In addition to being used as an ingredient in various dessert recipes, it can be used in different ways  to clean, degrease and polish objects and surfaces of all kinds.

Now,  could this substance be useful for other goals like losing weight? In this case, how should it be used? Don’t worry, we’ll give you the answers below.

What is baking soda?

baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate, also known as sodium bicarbonate, (NaHCO3) is an alkaline substance obtained through a chemical process and, as the name suggests, has a high sodium content. It is a salt of carbonic acid.

At first glance, it is a fine white powder that  dissolves very easily in water and other liquids.

  • It is frequently used in the baking industry and in anything that requires fermentation. It indeed helps to ferment and increase the volume of the dough.
  • Baking soda can also be used to clean the house because it is abrasive and helps remove built-up dirt.
  • It is also deodorant, which positively helps eliminate bad odors. Thus, it removes stains, unblocks and cleans various surfaces.

Since it can be useful in the kitchen and for cleaning the house, many people find that it could also be used for other more specific purposes, such as losing weight. However,  this idea has more disadvantages than advantages.

Baking soda and weight loss

To lose extra pounds, there is nothing better than adopting and maintaining a good lifestyle. Eating a healthy diet, staying hydrated, exercising, and following a doctor’s instructions are essential guidelines in this regard.

However, some people find that they need a “push” to continue losing weight. Hence, they turn to home remedies.

The famous glass of water with baking soda has become one of the most popular remedies for weight loss. There are those who consume it daily and those who consume it occasionally. But in either case, it becomes a risky practice.

Drinking a glass of water with baking soda doesn’t help you lose weight no matter how badly you believe you do. When ingested, it does not act as a “fat burner” capable of styling the figure in record time.

In fact, it goes straight to the gastrointestinal system. It only burns and irritates everything in its path, which can promote a variety of health issues. In fact, large amounts of the substance have been shown to be able to cause certain intestinal discomfort.

baking soda

The idea of ​​”burning” fat with a drink may seem like an easy way to lose weight. However, it is not safe and therefore not recommended. Therefore,  it is better to go to the doctor, improve lifestyle habits,  and establish consistency between what the body needs and the methods of delivering it, day to day.

Some things to keep in mind

The amount of baking soda and how often we use it are two extremely important factors. It is not the same to find a certain amount of this substance in a product (like toothpaste) than to dissolve a tablespoon in a glass of water to make a homemade mouthwash or any other remedy.

The toothpaste will present the right amount (and safe) for the substance to perform its function, without causing harm, while in the second case the risks are endless. However, it should be noted that in some contexts large amounts of this substance are used. An example is the sports field, where its ergogenic effects have been demonstrated.

It seems that a glass of water with sodium bicarbonate can provide some relief for stomach pain. In reality, this poses a risk to gastric well-being. The stomach lining suffers a lot and even more if the consumption is regular.

Therefore, home remedies with this substance should be avoided. Even when it comes to losing weight.

Baking soda is not an appropriate option

baking soda
Instead of turning to baking soda for weight loss, go for a healthy lifestyle.

Many people aim to lose weight. Not all, however, use the best metrics to achieve this. Then, unintentionally, they put their health at risk and end up exposing themselves to various problems that affect their quality of life.

One of the least suitable measures for weight loss is the consumption of sodium bicarbonate (dissolved in water or other drink).

It doesn’t matter how much, how often or how you consume it. The important thing is that  baking soda, on its own, is not capable of losing weight,  let alone in a healthy way. There are other protocols that are much more useful and have scientific evidence, such as well-planned intermittent fasting. That’s according to a study published in  Clinical Nutrition ESPEN.

Baking soda doesn’t make you lose weight

In short, the popularity of baking soda is not enough approval to consider it a remedy suitable for regular consumption for weight loss. Talk to your nutritionist to find other really effective strategies.

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