Basil And Sage Remedy To Purify Your Kidneys Naturally

Thanks to the diuretic properties of basil and sage, we can purify our kidneys in order to enjoy better general health, promoting l elimination of toxins.

To stay healthy and prevent chronic or degenerative diseases, it is important to use certain remedies throughout the year. Thanks to herbal remedies, you can purify your kidneys, liver and intestines to prevent or treat any inconvenience that may arise.

Find out in this article how to cleanse your kidneys using basil and sage. These two herbs naturally aid kidney function while providing many other health benefits.

Why is it important to purify your kidneys?

Our bodies are loaded with toxins from chemicals in food, air, hygiene and cleaning products, water, etc. Over time, these toxins build up and can cause discomfort and disease.

The kidneys are responsible for cleaning these substances and their excretion through urine. However, if they have too much work, they can be stressed or weakened. The ideal would be to help them in the purifying function, which they exercise jointly with the liver, the intestine and the skin.

It is therefore important to purify the kidneys to stay healthy and have a good quality of life. We can achieve this with a balanced diet and natural remedies with diuretic and detoxifying properties.

Medicinal plants for the kidneys

The Basilic

you can cleanse your kidneys with a remedy made from basil and sage

Basil is not only an aromatic plant with which we can prepare delicious sauces, salads and pastas. This plant is rich in vitamins B1 and E and in minerals such as potassium or calcium. Basil also contains antioxidants and fiber. It is a medicine with digestive and relaxing properties that we should always have on hand when making an infusion or seasoning our dishes.

At the renal level, basil is very effective thanks to its potassium content. This mineral promotes the elimination of fluids and toxins by increasing the level of urine. Among other things, this plant tones the kidneys and also helps dissolve stones and particles. In this way, people prone to colic can prevent them with this remedy.


Sage is a medicinal plant coming from the Latin “salvia” meaning “to cure”. The very name of this plant therefore confirms its multiple health properties. For example, it is an excellent remedy for treating respiratory and digestive disorders.

This aromatic plant is effective in cleaning the kidneys thanks to its diuretic and depurative properties. By consuming sage, we facilitate the detoxification of the body by eliminating fluids. In this way, we also fight swelling, inflammation and the formation of edema.

Basil and sage remedy


To prepare this remedy, which helps to purify the kidneys, you will need the following ingredients daily:

  • 10 fresh basil leaves (15 g)
  • 5 fresh sage leaves (8 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (25 g)


basil and sage remedy to cleanse your kidneys

  • To prepare this remedy, the aromatic plants must be fresh. This way you make sure that they retain all of their virtues.
  • Beat, mix or mash the basil and sage leaves with water.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, sweeten with honey.

Way of consuming

  • To benefit from this remedy and cleanse your kidneys of its toxins,  you should take it upon waking, on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before breakfast.
  • Prepare this medicinal remedy every morning for a week, and consume it immediately after preparation.
  • You can take this treatment regularly, but always for a maximum of one week in a row.
  • We recommend that you do not take this natural treatment without medical supervision if you have any illness or are taking medication.

Other tips

Also consider the following tips:

  • Drink two liters of water a day, without meals, especially during this cleansing treatment.
  • Reduce your intake of salt and dairy products.
  • Eat more raw vegetable foods, ideally once per meal.
  • Exercise to speed up your metabolism and promote sweating. In this way, you participate in the proper functioning of your kidneys.
  • Always cover the kidney area (between the lumbar and back), as these organs are very sensitive to cold. You can apply heat with a patch or water bag if you need to.

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