Beauty Tips To Improve The Appearance Of Your Face In 5 Minutes

In this article, discover the essential tips to achieve more relaxed features, fuller lips, shiny eyes and rosy cheeks.

Do you know that you can improve the beauty of your face? And this in a completely natural way, thanks to a few simple exercises?

In fact, five minutes a day before leaving your home is enough to have a much more revitalized skin.

In this article, discover the essential tips to achieve more relaxed features, fuller lips, shiny eyes and rosy cheeks.

Relaxed facial features

happy woman
When you are tired or stressed, you can suffer from contractures and muscle pain, especially in different parts of the body.

Did you know that tensions build up in the facial muscles as well?

This rigidity will give your face a more angular and harsh features. It therefore weakens youth and vitality.

However, you can relax facial tension the same way you would your back. That is, through exercises and massages.

The first step is to make exaggerated faces for a minute, so as to perform all possible gestures.

It is important to make funny faces with all parts of your face. With the mouth, mandible, cheeks, tongue, lips, nose, eyes, forehead etc.

Thanks to this exercise, you will activate the micro-circulation of each part of your face. This will give you a much more relaxed appearance and features in a matter of seconds.

Voluminous lips

It is obvious that very red and voluminous lips immediately give sensuality to your face.

Indeed, to achieve major changes, you have to go through surgery or use cosmetic techniques. However, here we offer you a very simple trick to achieve a visual effect in a few moments.

Many people tend to contract their lips involuntarily under stress or fatigue. 

This gesture can be repeated even when they are sleeping. Over time, the lips become thinner and more rigid.

To remedy this bad habit, perform three very quick and simple exercises:

  • First, run your tongue gently over the edge of your lips from commissure to commissure, on the upper part and on the lower part.
  • Then put your lips inside your mouth and press firmly for 10 seconds.
    Then do the opposite movement: extend your lips outwards as far as possible.
  • Finally, apply a little vegetable oil on the index and middle fingers. Then rub your lips horizontally.

Shining eyes

shining eye
Big shiny eyes will give your face a more youthful look and vitality.

Throughout the day, the eyes suffer from the consequences of fatigue, the computer and pollution. When we get up in the morning, therefore, they tend to be swollen.

To have healthy eyes that transmit vitality, you need to exercise them while relaxing the muscles around them.

  • First, close your eyes and squeeze your eyelids forcefully for five seconds. Then relax them by opening them as wide as possible. Repeat this exercise 5 times.
  • Then, make small circles by pressing with the index fingers around the eyes, and following the course of the eyebrows and the bone of the cheekbone.
  • Finally, rub your hands together until they are heated through. Then put your palms over the eyes, without pressing, for a few seconds.

Rosy cheeks

Beautiful cheeks should be firm, smooth and slightly rosy.

Over time, the skin becomes more and more flabby and its appearance is more and more coarse and faded.

With these three exercises, you will succeed in revitalizing your cheeks and giving them a little more color for a while, which will enhance the beauty of your face.

You can repeat this at any time to get the same results again.

  • Swell your cheeks by filling your mouth with air as much as possible. Alternately fill one cheek, then the other.
  • With the tongue, push the cheeks from the inside and forcing outwards.
  • Squeeze your cheeks several times, especially the areas closest to the cheekbones, to activate blood circulation and give them an instant touch of color.

These exercises will help you make your cheeks look shiny. They will also help release the tension that we all tend to build up in the mandible.

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