Better Position For Neck Pain

To relieve pain due to muscle contractures, we can use hot-cold therapy. We also need to make sure our pillow and mattress are comfortable to avoid future problems.

Neck pain is a disease that affects a lot of people. They create tension in the muscles of the neck. It is these pains that cause difficulty in moving the head normally.

These pains are usually caused by poor posture when watching TV or facing the computer.

The good news is that neck pain can be relieved with specific exercises and habits you can take to prevent this kind of contracture. Check out these tips in our article!

Neck pain: causes and significance

The term neck pain refers to ailments that can occur in the neck: muscles, vertebrae, bones and intervertebral discs.

One of the common causes of neck pain is muscle contraction. It is caused by bad daily habits.

Here are the most common causes:

  • sleeping in awkward positions
  • sitting for long hours in front of a computer or in an office
  • doing bad neck rotations during gym sessions

Other causes of neck pain: fibromyalgia, cervical arthritis, ruptured disc or slight fractures due to osteoporosis, among others.

If neck pain is accompanied by fever, headache and stiff neck, then it is essential to see a doctor, as it could be meningitis.

What to do in case of neck pain?

Here is what to do in case of pain:

  • Take pain relievers, such as ibuprofen
  • Apply ice to the affected area  for the first few days. Then apply heat using thermal cushions or hot compresses afterwards.
  • Do exercises with rotational movements:  do head movements from left to right (the ear should touch the shoulder) and up and down, as these exercises should help the muscles in your head to work better. ‘stretch.
  • Get a professional massage if you are still in pain.
  • If you see a doctor, the doctor  may prescribe a neck brace or stronger pain relievers. They will allow your muscles to relax well.

 Neck pain is caused by poor positioning habits.

How to avoid stiffness in the neck?

  • Follow relaxation techniques to release stress and allow muscles to relax. Yoga or meditation could do you a lot of good!
  • Learn how to do stretching exercises for the muscles in your neck.
  • Adopt a good posture at the desk or in front of your computer: your back should be straight and well supported, and the screen should be at the same height as your eyes.
  • Don’t stay in one position for hours: Be sure to change positions every hour and get up to walk a bit or stretch, to allow your body to breathe a bit.
  • Choose a pillow that conforms to the shape of your neck. Also make sure your mattress is firm enough to support your body.

Neck pain caused by muscle contractures is common. Nevertheless, it is possible to prevent them. You can improve your condition pretty quickly by following the tips and recommendations in this article!

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