Causes Of Cramps And Remedies?

To prevent the onset of cramps, it is good to do daily stretches to activate the nervous system. Likewise, it is important to increase your water consumption to promote oxygen transport.

Cramps or spasms occur when one or more muscles involuntarily contract without being able to relax immediately and causing mild or severe pain.

Usually cramps occur in the posterior area of ​​the leg or thigh, but can also occur in the feet, arms and other muscle groups in the body.

Those who suffer from it may experience an uncomfortable feeling of stiffness and tension which disappears spontaneously within a few minutes.

However, there are people who experience this discomfort that persists for several hours in or around the affected muscle.

Even though they are considered a mild problem, many try to relieve them because they can interrupt sleep or some important activity of the day.

Thus, it is important to find out what their possible causes are and what measures can be taken so as not to have to resort to medication. 

In this article, we’ll give you more in-depth information and practical recommendations for taking immediate action.

Take note !

Causes of muscle cramps

Causes of cramps

There are many factors that are associated with the onset of muscle spasms. Physical exertion, pregnancy and age are among those responsible for their development.

However, in most cases, they occur when something interrupts the oxygenation of the muscles or causes an excessive loss of fluids, minerals and proteins.

A diet low in magnesium and potassium is also linked to cramps. These two minerals strengthen and relax muscles, while promoting good blood circulation.

Among the less common causes, we must mention diseases, especially those of the digestive system and poisoning.

Another theory suggests that they could be due to biomechanical inefficiency, which leads to risks in cardiovascular health.

What to do to treat muscle cramps?

While it is best to take preventative measures to avoid suffering from these symptoms, there are home remedies that can cure them when they cannot be avoided.

Increase your water consumption

The consumption of water is essential both to prevent and to treat the discomforts that damage the muscles.

It helps to activate blood circulation and improves the transport of oxygen to the cells.

Isotonic drinks are also a good option to rehydrate, especially when the physical activity or the heat has made you sweat a lot.

These are recommended for athletes because they help replace minerals that are lost in perspiration.

Use hot and cold cushions

A warm pillow helps relax the muscle when it is stiff and tense during the spasm. 

On the other hand, the cold is ideal for activating blood circulation when the discomfort has dissipated.


Stretching and flexing exercises are among the best therapies for combating and preventing cramps in any part of the body.

They should be done after sports and also during the working day.

Stretching of the extremities activates the central nervous system. They send more inhibitory signals to calm the pain.

Wear loose clothing

As soon as you notice the first sign of cramping, it is important that you only wear loose clothing to give your muscles more room.

Clothing that is too tight-fitting makes blood circulation more difficult and prevents the rapid relief of this problem.

Improve your diet

Causes of cramps

If cramps have become a common occurrence in your life, perhaps you should review the nutritional quality of the foods you eat. 

Make sure to add the following nutrients to your diet in good amounts:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Folic acid
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Iron

Apply olive oil

As soon as you feel pain, take some olive oil in the palms of your hands and massage yourself by pressing with your fingertips.

We recommend that you read: Cleansing the liver and gallbladder with olive oil and grapefruit

Take a lukewarm water bath

When this discomfort interrupts your nights and decreases your quality of sleep, your best bet is to take action before bed.

Heat some water and take a bath to stimulate circulation in the legs and reduce the risk of suffering from it.

Finally, know that if none of these recommendations work and you continue to experience cramps continuously, it is best to consult a doctor to determine if this is due to hormonal or circulatory system problems.

Don’t overlook these issues!

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