Chronic Victimism: People Who Constantly Complain

The chronic victimist has a distorted view of reality and always manages to find blame for whatever happens to him.

In certain situations in our life, we have all adopted the role of the victim. But what happens when it turns into a part of our personality and we continually complain? We become people who suffer from chronic victimization.

Chronic victimhood and pessimism

A person who continually positions himself as a victim will be an unhappy and pessimistic person.

She will see everything in a dark way, she will believe that only negative things happen to her and that bad luck follows her wherever she goes.

The problem is, all of this is not real. Indeed, the chronic victim has a distorted view of his reality.

The person who complains about everything and everyone sees life in an unreal way. Plus, being so pessimistic and believing that everything that happens to him is negative makes it come true.

We’ve all been through bad times and maybe right now you are telling yourself that you are a victim as well.

Chronic victimhood is something that lasts over time, it is an attitude towards life.

Just because you are going through a pessimistic time in your life does not make you a victim.

A pessimistic and victimized person feeds on negative emotions and feelings.

The worst part is when she doesn’t just blame others for her misfortunes. But she also adopts attitudes of contempt, aggression, intolerance and violence, among others.

Characteristics of chronic victimization

If you are unsure if you are a victim or if someone around you is, we are going to introduce you to some of the characteristics that best define this type of temperament.

They distort reality

People who suffer from chronic victimization believe that everything that happens to them is other people’s fault.

They never feel responsible for their own actions and always blame others.

The problem is, they twist reality in their favor and all of this makes them feel even more unhappy because they don’t have the power to change it.

They feed on their lamentations

Lamentation is the staple food of chronic victimhood.

With her complaints and lamentations, she attracts the attention of others, thus becoming the center of all eyes. It gives her a feeling of being important.

The worst part is that she never asks for help or tries to get out of a situation she doesn’t like. His attitude is nothing more than lamenting.

Objective: search for culprits

Any victim looks for culprits to hold them accountable for all the faults that they do not want to assume. 

She believes that other people always do things out of self-interest, and that they are bad people.

Therefore, she does not realize that it is she who feeds this idea and that in reality she pleases her.

Zero self-criticism

At this point, it is evident that any chronically victimized person is incapable of real self-criticism.

She doesn’t realize that there is anything that needs improvement in her. 

The negative is the product of others, of something external that she cannot control. She is then the victim of something that she cannot stop.

Emotional manipulation and blackmail

Victims become great experts at manipulating situations and other people and getting whatever they want.

They know that the role of the victim appeals to all hearts. So that’s a good point in their favor.

It is then important to be aware that a pessimistic person will use emotional blackmail to feel even more the victim of a situation.

This person keeps himself in pessimism, feeds on lamentations and blames others for feeling unique.

So we have to learn to deal with these people. And to neutralize them so that they do not affect us and transmit their negative emotions to us.

A victim is a toxic person who will hurt you whether you want to or not.

That’s why if you can get it out of your life, do it!

You don’t deserve anyone to tarnish your happiness with large doses of unfounded complaints and laments, which are the product of distorted reality.

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