Diaper Rash: 4 Keys To Preventing Its Onset

Diaper rash is a common condition that affects one year old babies. The parents’ mission is to prevent this problem from affecting their baby.

Preventing the onset of diaper rash in babies is one of the important tasks of parents. Diaper rash is a rash that appears on the area covered by the baby’s diapers.

So, this rash usually appears on the lower abdomen, genitals, buttocks, and upper thighs. These areas of the body are in direct contact with the irritants of the diapers.

The diagnosis of diaper rash requires physical exploration. The main symptom of this condition is the appearance of skin lesions.

The main factors causing this rash are:

  • skin sensitive to rubbing of the diaper
  • prolonged contact with urine and feces
  • pH of urine and feces altered
  • humidity
  • improper hygiene

If you see redness on your baby’s genitals and on the bottom of your baby’s bottom, then your baby is suffering from diaper rash. It is possible to prevent this condition by taking certain measures at the appropriate time.

In the rest of this article, discover 4 keys to preventing the appearance of this rash.

1. Diaper rash: wash your baby’s private parts well

mother treating her baby's diaper rash

It is essential to rinse the areas of the body covered by the diaper with plenty of lukewarm water each time you change your baby’s diaper.

It is recommended not to use soap. If you ever use one, opt for a neutral pH soap instead. It is also recommended to avoid wipes that contain alcohol or perfume.

Once washed, dry these areas of the body gently, that is to say without rubbing. If possible, allow them to air dry.

2. Diaper rash: change your baby’s diaper regularly

It is also essential to change the child’s diaper regularly, at least every three hours during the day and every five hours, if possible, at night.

Of course, as soon as the child defecates, it is essential to change his diaper quickly.

Also, be careful not to over tighten the diaper. Too tight a diaper can cause chafing on the skin which can lead to skin irritation.

Finally, choose your layers well. There are layers suitable for sensitive skin.

3. Diaper rash: apply moisturizer

With each diaper change, remember to apply a moisturizer to prevent irritation.

Opt for a water-based cream whose components have astringent properties, such as zinc oxide. These moisturizers will form an impermeable protective layer between the skin and the diaper.

4. Diaper rash: pay attention to the child’s diet


It is important that you write down any new foods your baby is eating because some foods can change the pH of the feces.

If you suspect that something is causing diaper rash, stop feeding your child. Ditto for drugs. Always be aware of the changes that the introduction of new foods or drugs can make.

All of these recommendations will help you prevent the onset of diaper rash. Keep in mind that these lesions can turn into infections and are very unpleasant for the child.

Prevention is better than cure ! Save yourself a visit to the doctor by following our advice to prevent the onset of this condition.

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