Discover 3 Treatments To Reduce Melasma Spots

Although melasma can often require professional treatments for its complete removal, you can also reduce the appearance of these spots thanks to the properties of certain natural ingredients .

Melasma, also called chleuasm, is a benign skin condition that manifests as hyperpigmented brown spots.

They appear on areas of the skin exposed to the sun, especially on the face, décolleté and neck.

In recent years, it is difficult to know if people are more aware of the effects of the sun on the skin. On the other hand, it is more and more frequent to observe the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin which are often serious.

Melasma is one of the many effects of the sun’s rays on the skin. It has become a real cosmetic problem for people who suffer from it.

This problem mainly affects women, most often during pregnancy, giving what is commonly called the pregnancy mask. However, it can also appear outside of this state.

The biggest problem with melasma is the physical appearance. However, this skin condition does not cause painful symptoms.

Discover today in this article more information about melasma and all the treatments that are available to help you reduce these spots on the skin.

Origins of melasma spots

origin of melasma spots

Melasma is characterized by dark colored spots that appear on the face, especially on the cheeks, forehead, neck and upper lip. Very often, these spots are symmetrical: they are found the same way on each side of the face.

This skin problem is associated with imbalances of two types of female hormones, progesterones and estrogen. These tasks are not at all aesthetic, and are often caused by pregnancy, the use of birth control pills, hormonal changes, menopause, or excessive sun exposure.


This disease can also appear when you have high levels of stress. It can also be side effects to a cosmetic product or a drug, or because of a malfunction of the thyroid hormone.

In many cases, these spots go away on their own. However, some people may have a harder time getting rid of them and will need multiple treatments.

After taking the right treatment, melasma usually goes away. Often this condition lasts a few months at most. The problem can occur in pregnant women or those who are starting to take hormones.

Doctors often recommend using a good sunscreen to prevent these spots. In addition, it also helps protect against the appearance of skin cancer or slow down the development of wrinkles.

In order to avoid aggravation, one can also replace an estrogen-progestogen contraception with other contraceptive methods.

The curative treatment includes local depigmenting products (phenolic, sulfur and non-phenolic derivatives) and physical methods such as chemical peels or laser. To hide treatment-resistant stains, you can also use covering makeup.

1. Treatment of melasma with drugs

Medication is usually the first option for treating melasma. This often involves applying a face cream prescribed by a dermatologist, in order to reduce these spots.

This type of medicine usually contains a chemical component called “hydroquinone”. This can also be applied as a gel or as a lotion.

Hydroquinone is able to reduce the appearance of spots due to the fact that it blocks the chemical process of melanin. This is a substance that causes black pigmentation in the skin.

Here are also other compounds used that can clarify dark spots on the skin:

  • Tretinoin
  • Azelaic acid
  • Retinoic acid
  • Corticosteroids

Medical treatments can include creams containing azelaic acid and kojic acid, but also hydroquinone and tretinoin. Sometimes exfoliation is recommended with topical or chemical steroid creams.

Laser treatments can also be indicated if the spots are very severe. On the other hand, stopping hormonal drugs is sometimes the solution to stop this problem. Sometimes you may even be asked to wait until the end of the pregnancy to see if the symptom persists.

2. Professional treatments for melasma spots

Professional procedures turn out to be the most efficient. However, at the same time, they are much more abrasive and the most invasive for the skin. These options are usually considered as a last resort, as they tend to have quite high costs.

The most used are chemical exfoliation, or microdermabrasion and laser treatments. There is also chemical exfoliation or peels. These treatments aim to renew the outermost layers of the skin affected by melasma.

This type of exfoliation involves the superficial application of a chemical substance. This product can be, for example, glycolic acid. This will create a slight burn which, when done professionally, will give birth to new, undyed skin.

Besides, dermabrasion and microdermabrasion are two other professional procedures that help to remove melasma spots.

Dermabrasion requires technological equipment to remove the surface layers of the dermis, which will facilitate melasma-free skin.

As for microdermabrasion, it is an exfoliation procedure that is carried out with diamond crystals, in order to remove dead skin cells.

The two treatments should be carried out in several sessions, normally 5 sessions and at intervals of 2 or 4 weeks as directed by the doctor.

On the other hand, there are laser treatments. These treatments also aim to remove layers of the skin damaged by melasma. They tend to be the most effective, but they are usually the most expensive.

In general, people affected by melasma can reach their goal after 4 or 6 sessions. These professional procedures allow a significant reduction of spots on the face and even their complete elimination.

3. Natural treatments to reduce melasma

There are also natural treatments that you can prepare at home using common ingredients. You can use them to lighten the skin and spots caused by melasma.

Today we offer you two natural remedies to fight against melasma spots.

Egg white mask against melasma

To prepare this egg white mask you must provide the following ingredients:


  • 1 egg white
  • 4 drops of black balm


  • Mix the two ingredients well and apply this mixture on the affected area in the morning and evening.

Honey lemon mask against melasma

You can also try this other honey lemon face mask to reduce melasma spots.


  • 3 tablespoons of milk (45 ml)
  • 4 tablespoons of honey (100 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (30 ml)


  • Mix all the ingredients and apply the result to your face, paying particular attention to the spots.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes before removing this mask with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the procedure about 2 or 3 times a week.

We remind you that the treatments described above specifically seek the reduction of spots produced by melasma. It should be noted that these natural treatments will not facilitate the definitive disappearance of this disease.

In addition, for these treatments to be effective, it is recommended that they be carried out in tandem with an adequate treatment to restore hormonal balance and reduce these skin disorders.

Latest tips for fighting melasma spots

Some people are predisposed to suffer from melasma. In these cases, other additional precautions should be taken. In addition, it is sometimes a hereditary disorder. There may also have been other episodes of the disease in the family.

There is no definitive cure for treating melasma. However, one can reduce its appearance and the colors of the spots. But these can then return during the next pregnancy. They are also common in people who take birth control treatments, certain medications or who expose their skin to the sun every day.

Avoid the sun and always use sun protection, especially if you are going to the sea or to the mountains. But be careful, also protect yourself when you are in the city and the weather is nice. Try not to take birth control pills and do not take any hormone replacement therapy.

The best way to treat melasma is to see a dermatologist. Above all, don’t let the time pass, because with the right treatment, the appearance of your face can improve in just a few weeks.

You can do great natural treatments at home! Indeed, certain ingredients in your kitchen can help you remove these coffee-colored stains.

Be careful not to expose yourself to the sun, or if you do, remember to apply sunscreen with a high sun protection factor.

It is also important to protect your face on a daily basis. Discover in this article a natural treatment to reduce melasma and improve the appearance of your skin.

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