Discover 4 Rarely Practiced Yoga Postures

Although yoga has many postures, there are some that are very rarely practiced, due to their complexity and strength. require.

The practice of yoga is very beneficial for our health. However, the postures performed require a bit of practice to be successful. However, there are still yoga poses that are rarely practiced because they require a very advanced level, in addition to sufficient physical conditions.

Some postures are suitable for people who have just started this activity. Others, on the other hand, are much more advanced because of their complexity.

4 yoga poses rarely practiced

People with low flexibility should use a lot more caution when practicing a yoga pose, not just the ones we will see below and hardly anyone does. It is very important to work well on elasticity to avoid injury.

In the rest of this article, we describe 4 yoga poses that hardly anyone does. In some cases, this will be due to the risks involved and, in others, to the great difficulty of their execution.

1. The posture of the 8 angles

The 8 angles pose is one of the rarely practiced yoga poses

The Astavakrasana is a yoga posture that is rarely performed because of its difficulty. This position is not easy to achieve because it requires great strength in the arms.

Indeed, to maintain the body in this position, you must have a strong abdomen. You will then need to practice specific exercises to strengthen yourself.

You can assume this position by first adopting the posture of a flexion by turning your legs to the right side and passing your arm between your legs. Then, in this position, you will be able to raise your ankles and cross them.

2. The peacock pose

This yoga pose is also known as Mayurasana . The complexity of this position lies once again here in the difficulty of being able to support the legs and the body, avoiding the loss of balance.

To do this, sit  on your heels, place your hands on the floor, bend your elbows at a right angle, and slide your knees out of the arms.

Then you have to tilt the torso forward, lower the forehead to the ground and stretch the legs. Finally, you will raise them at the same time as the head.

The peacock pose is beneficial for a variety of reasons. Indeed, it allows to:

  • Strengthen the arms, shoulders and upper back
  • Improve balance
  • Tone the spine and lengthen the abdominal muscles
  • Relieve stress and calm the mind

There are some rarely practiced yoga postures, such as the peacock one

3. The firefly pose

The firefly pose is known as Tittibhasana . It is important to warm up well before attempting this position. The posture of the feet is a good way to create warmth. The firefly pose is contraindicated for people with carpal tunnel syndrome and similar wrist problems.

This position involves squatting, leaning forward, and resting your hands on the floor with your elbows slightly bent. Then  bring the knees to the shoulders and lift the legs forward, stretching them out. Once in position, stretch your arms out until they are as straight as possible.

4. The crane pose, the last of our rarely practiced yoga poses

The last of the positions that almost no one practices is the Crane or Bakasana , a balanced position on the arms that improves concentration and provides focus, clarity of mind and calm. When performing this pose, all limbs are connected, which improves stability and balance. This position will  even improve mental and spiritual balance.

To achieve this position, lower yourself as if you were to jump, resting your hands on the ground and bending your elbows. Then get on your tiptoes and lean forward. The weight will fall on the hands.

In this position, you will  place your knees towards the back of the arms to raise the feet. Once you get there, you need to try to stretch your arms out and look forward.

Look for a fixed point in front of you before lifting your feet and tilting your posture, this will help you regain your balance. On the other hand, if you are afraid of finding yourself face down when you raise your feet and lean forward, put a pillow on the floor.

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