Discover A Pineapple And Chia Seed Smoothie Ideal For Weight Loss

Pineapple and chia seeds help us to cleanse our body while giving us a feeling of fullness and promoting our intestinal transit.

People who are looking to lose weight aren’t doing it just to improve their figure. They do this to avoid developing any of the serious illnesses associated with being overweight and obese. There is, however, a smoothie for weight loss.

Thus, vanity has long been the one and only reason for losing weight. However, more and more people are realizing the role that weight plays in health.

The problem lies in the fact that sometimes we want to lose weight so much that we adopt methods that are not at all good for our health.

Fad diets or diet plans that completely exclude a class of foods are very popular. They are, however, also very dangerous.

Fortunately, it is getting easier and easier to access good tips for losing weight. But also to slimming plans that are reasonable and healthy. Indeed, serious research on the subject is more and more numerous.

We now know the nutritional supplements which, thanks to their properties, allow us to improve our metabolism. But also to increase our fat loss and prolong our feeling of fullness.

Among these options, we have chosen to tell you about a natural pineapple and chia seed smoothie. Thus, thanks to its nutritional value, it is very effective in losing weight.

We will explain in detail its main properties and give you the recipe for this smoothie for weight loss.

A pineapple and chia seed smoothie for weight loss

Pineapple Chia Seed Smoothie is a healthy and delicious option to complement weight loss diets.

Its properties indeed facilitate the elimination of substances and waste retained in the body. They also significantly reduce adipose tissue.

The benefits of pineapple for weight loss

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that contains water and antioxidants, making it a great alternative to quickly regain a healthy weight.

This fruit is characterized by its powerful diuretic and purifying action which, in addition to facilitating the elimination of liquids and waste retained in the body, helps to keep inflammatory processes in the body under control.

Among its main weight loss benefits is its high content of bromelain, a digestive enzyme that helps digest proteins that are difficult to eliminate.

This same substance gives it ideal digestive qualities to avoid constipation, gas and stomach inflammation.

Add to this list of benefits its high fiber content, an essential nutrient for food digestion and cholesterol control.

The benefits of chia seeds for weight loss

Chia seeds are one of the most effective supplements for healthy weight loss.

Although they should not be considered a miracle product, their properties have been scientifically shown to help shed extra pounds.

From a nutritional point of view, they are distinguished above all by their high calcium content (three times more than cow’s milk), iron (three times more than spinach) and fiber (more than oats).

They also have antioxidant and digestive properties which are decisive in purifying the body.

Consuming it regularly will allow you to control your feeling of hunger, avoid constipation, avoid losing control over your cholesterol level and ingest an extra dose of excellent quality protein for the body.

The recipe for the smoothie to lose weight with pineapple and chia seeds

This healthy weight loss smoothie should be viewed as a dietary supplement and not as a main meal.

If you can incorporate it into your breakfast, you should also eat other healthy foods at this time of the day, such as eggs, whole grains, and vegetables.


  • 2 pineapple rings
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds (20 g)
  • The juice of two oranges
  • 1/2 glass of water (100 ml)
  • Honey (optional)


  • Peel the pineapple, cut two large slices that you will cut into small cubes.
  • Squeeze the two oranges and pour their juice into your blender. Also add the pineapple rings, water and honey, if you wish to consume some.
  • Serve without filtering and use the chia seeds to garnish.
  • You can also put the chia seeds to soak, at least two hours before preparing your smoothie. Then add them to your blender with all the other ingredients.
  • Consume your smoothie on an empty stomach, during breakfast, or when hunger strikes you.

Even if you consume this smoothie for weight loss, keep in mind that the effects of this drink are limited. They will only be seen if you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

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