Expecting Too Much From Others And Receiving Nothing

There are times when we do so much for others that we end up neglecting ourselves because we expect others to act the same that we.

We often spend a lot of our time expecting too much from others and we get nothing in return.

We are waiting for our dreams to come true. Let others react as we wish. May those who love us give us the same feelings in return. But the world is often dissonant and none of this happens. Our universe and our hopes collapse.

However, you don’t have to get frustrated with it. We need to take some things for granted in order to feel some security.

As every child is certain that his parents love him, every adult should strive to believe that those around him are going to do the exact same thing as what he is doing for them.

The balance of our emotional relationships should work in this way, even if sometimes emptiness and sadness do appear. If we expect too much from others, we often end up receiving nothing.

We invite you to reflect on this subject.

Expecting too much from others and receiving nothing

Some people have the following idea tied to the body: happiness is giving, not receiving. Our education sometimes makes us forget an important value to survive in the world we live in: self-esteem.

expect too much from others

Receiving is also a right

We need to quickly let go of concepts that pollute our mind and disturb our emotional balance.

Bringing happiness to others is a noble act that enriches us. But we can see this as a double obligation: to give is a good thing, but to receive is also an obligation.

  • We are obviously not talking about material goods or favors. When we do something for someone, we don’t have to wait for them to necessarily give us something back. Giving is a spontaneous act which comes from the heart and which should not expect anything in return.
  • But we all have the right to receive something. If you give someone love, that person should not return coldness or selfishness to you. Reciprocity is an essential aspect of our emotional life.
  • In our relationship as a couple, giving and receiving are both rights and obligations. It is an energy that circulates between two people who nourish each other with love to grow together, and to light every day the flame that burns in their hearts, in respect and reciprocity.

We expect too much from others because we are ready to give much more

You may have already met people who have said to you: “ You expect too much from others ” or “ You are too sensitive and the least thing touches you ”.

  • These are sentences that obviously reveal a lack of empathy in the face of a heart that is ready to give everything for others and that suffers from not being recognized for its fair value.
  • You might say to yourself, “ I must learn to love less ”. But, in reality, what you should say to yourself would sound more like, “ I must learn to love myself more ”.

To love is to give up a part of ourselves to shelter another person, to take care of them, to place them at the center of our personal universe and to build a whole world around them.

expect too much from others

However, we must not fall into extremes that lead us to forget ourselves.

You can expect a lot from others, but never forget to expect a lot from yourself as well.

  • Always remember to cherish yourself every day, not to over-prioritize the needs of others over your own. Don’t neglect yourself.

Be gentle with others, care about those you love, be attentive to their needs, but also expect others to do all of these things for you.

How to react when others don’t give us what we expect

Only your heart can tell you how far you can go for others.

If you wake up every day with more worries than delusions, the constant urge to cry and all the time frustrated, it’s time to take the bull by the horns.

  • Whoever receives nothing will end up feeling empty. He may even come to think that he does not deserve to receive affection, attention and consideration.
  • Never come to that. Never let the emptiness and emotional absence of others make you think you don’t deserve to be loved.
  • The love that you should never neglect is your self-esteem. It is he who will give you the necessary strength to spread your wings and to fly towards your personal balance.

Emotional psychologists tell us that we should not expect anything from anyone and that we should draw everything from within ourselves. It’s an interesting idea, but one that needs to be qualified.

  • There are things we all need to expect from the people who form our emotional and personal inner circle.
    We need to have the assurance that we are loved, because no one can live with such uncertainty.

Everyone deserves respect, whether from others or from ourselves. Never stop struggling to get it.

Love consists of reciprocity, support and sincerity.

If we have none of these things, the relationships we have are neither genuine nor healthy.

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