Find Out How To Whiten Pillow And Mattress

To prevent your pillow or mattress from losing their color, it is fundamental to clean them diligently, because once they start to take on a yellowish tone, it it is very difficult to restore them to their original color.

All items in the house need some maintenance. And his pillow is no exception to the rule. It is an area prone to stains and dirt, and even the proliferation of dust mites and bad odors. Forget yellowish pillows with the tips we offer here.

Maybe you are wondering why pillows always end up yellow. One of the reasons is sweating. Sometimes when we sleep the body sweats and depending on the type of fabric the pillow is made from it is more or less easy for the sweat to get into it.

When it dries, perspiration can make a yellowish stain on the pillow.  Sometimes using protectors under the pillow cover can prevent this pesky staining, as can the build-up of dust mites.

The perspiration eventually turns into moisture and creates the perfect environment for the proliferation of mites that can be the cause of respiratory or skin allergies.

Cleaning your pillows is more important than you think! Take a look at your pillows and take action.

Beware of sun exposure

Another reason that can explain a yellowish pillow is too long exposure to the sun.

The problem is with whitening agents: if they are exposed to a lot of sunlight, they start to decompose, hence the appearance of a yellowish color.

So, avoid overexposure to sunlight.

How to whitewash your pillow?

Woman holding pillow

Pillows should be washed three times a year. This is more than enough to keep them in good condition.

Find out how to prepare a homemade natural whitener here.


  • 1 cup of laundry detergent, preferably biodegradable (200 g)
  • 1 cup of powdered dishwasher detergent, preferably biodegradable (200 g)
  • Very hot or boiling water
  • 1 cup of homemade whitening product (mix 3 liters of water with 1/4 lemon juice and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide)
  • 1/2 cup of borax (125 g)


  • Start by looking at the label to confirm that your pillow is machine washable. 
  • Put hot water in the machine (two pots of boiling water) and program two cycles, if possible.
  • Put all the ingredients in the washing machine.
  • Start your machine’s program and let it mix all the added detergent well.
  • Put the pillow in the machine and start a washing program so that the mixture prepared previously can have the desired whitening effect.

How to clean your mattress?


The mattress, like the pillows, has its own cover that must be machine washed, like the sheets. It will therefore be essential to ventilate it every morning and to clean it from time to time so that it remains in perfect condition.

  • To clean the mattress properly, you will need to vacuum it on both sides to remove dust before washing.
  • If there are stains, you can clean them with a mixture of water and sodium bicarbonate before rubbing it entirely with vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, all in a mixture diluted with plenty of water.
  • To finish, let it dry and air it well especially.
  • If the smell persists, you can try scenting it lightly. It’s for you to see.

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