How Is The Spine Connected To Other Organs?

Since it is one of the neuralgic centers of our body, it is not surprising that the organs are represented in different parts of the spine and that this has an influence on health .

The functioning of the body is one of the most mysterious phenomena in the world. The perfect gear from which it is made never ceases to amaze us. Nature has left nothing to chance and the more we know about it, the more it will be verified, since every day we discover new connections between the members of the organism. The most significant example is the spine, which is connected to all other organs.

It is amazing because the backbone is a bone, yet its condition is involved in the proper functioning of organs and muscles, such as the lungs or the heart. 

Don’t think this is a random or confusing link. Not at all. We have discovered the exact points which are linked to specific parts of our body.

As you can see, this is not a legend: we are a perfect machine! In addition, we are sure that we have yet to discover many treasures that will leave us speechless.

Why is the spine connected to other organs?


The cause of this phenomenon is much simpler than you might think. The spine is the organ that keeps us upright, that is, which supports us and unites all of our organs. 

It is made up of small bones that rely on muscles and formations that are also in contact with others.

So when one of them moves, the same happens with the others, which influences the functioning of those as well.

The effect worsens because, as we know, an imbalance in the liver has repercussions on the general state of health since it is he who is responsible for filtering the blood.

It is therefore necessary to take care of our emotions. The back hurts when we have negative feelings, whether it is stress or sadness. 

This means that emotional intelligence is fundamental to controlling our physical evolution: when we avoid tension in this area, we prevent consequences on our vital organs.

When should we watch our spine?


When discomfort occurs, doctors tend to design treatments that focus on the areas where discomfort appears. 

Sometimes the results of these therapies do not show quickly and are not as effective as expected. Maybe now is the time for a backbone checkup.

The most frequent diseases related to this problem are the following:


The back is involved in most headaches.

Muscle contractures cause the bones to move, and cause pain in the upper part of the head, as well as in the face.

It can also cause visual disturbances.

Sleeping extremities 

Cervical inflammation results in tightness of the nerves. As a result, the blood circulates with difficulty. When this happens for a long time, the extremities feel it and start to lose sensitivity.

Difficulty swallowing 

They arise when there is a narrowing of the cervical canal in the neck, because this obstructs the action of the muscles and organs responsible for chewing and swallowing.

Lack of blood supply to the brain

It is a phenomenon very similar to the numbness of the neck.

The pressure of the muscles on the arteries limits the amount of blood that reaches the brain. Its effects can be mild or severe: from temporary nausea to more serious accidents, such as a stroke.

Digestive difficulties 

Inflammation of the lumbar region displaces the digestive system, which means that its action is impaired. You may experience constipation, as well as sudden episodes of diarrhea.

The deformation of the spine is connected with other organs and their functioning.

So, we recommend that you do regular check-ups and don’t neglect physical exercise. Swimming is ideal because it aligns the bones and strengthens all the muscles. Thanks to it, you will have great control over this delicate area.

On the other hand, if you are feeling anxious or melancholy, your best bet is to try yoga. You will get great benefits in your physical and mental health.

The advice of this ancestral discipline will help you oxygenate your body and put it back “straight”. Also, don’t forget about meditation. 

Which option do you prefer?

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