How To Burn Fat And Control Cholesterol With Eggplant Water

In addition to promoting the purification of fluids and toxins, eggplant water is also satiating and prevents us from compulsive cravings.

Controlling overweight and cholesterol have become a priority for hundreds of people. They became aware of their effects on health. It is thus necessary to control the fats.

Beyond aesthetics, the accumulation of fat promotes chronic problems. This is the case with heart disease, diabetes or joint ailments, among others.

Because of this, health and nutrition experts advise a series of habits and actions that improve lifestyle.

Likewise, “little tips” were revealed. Thus, thanks to their nutritional value, they represent a good alternative to lose pounds easily.

Eggplant water is a natural option that aid in arterial cleansing and weight loss.

It is a drink rich in fiber and antioxidant substances that promote energy expenditure and the expulsion of harmful lipids.

Its continuous consumption is ideal as part of a diet. This is especially the case for people who have difficulty losing weight.

What are the benefits of eggplant water against fats?

eggplant water against fat

One of the main benefits of this vegetable is that it has a lot of nutrients and very few calories. 

Its significant water supply gives it a diuretic effect that helps fight against fluid retention and inflammation.

Thanks to its high content of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, it promotes blood circulation and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Eggplant is also rich in potassium and sodium, two minerals that improve the health of the nervous and cardiovascular system.

Consumption of this food promotes detoxification of the body while improving metabolic function, and controls blood sugar levels.

Its fiber intake improves bowel movement and prevents disorders such as constipation and gas.

This vegetable also provides a satiating effect and improves the absorption capacity of fat in the intestine to prevent its accumulation in the arteries.

Another quality that should not be forgotten is that eggplant stimulates bile and protects the health of the liver against excess fat.

It is a great supplement against anemia and immune problems because it provides the right amounts of magnesium and iron.

How to prepare eggplant water to burn fat and control cholesterol?

By consuming eggplant water, you will improve your health and weight, but you will also gain extra energy in your body for daily tasks.

Another plus that we haven’t mentioned is that this drink is very easy to prepare and it doesn’t cost much because its ingredients are very cheap.

Let’s go !


  • 1 medium organic eggplant
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 glass pitcher


  • First, wash the eggplant with a little apple cider vinegar or baking soda.
  • When it is well disinfected, cut it into small squares, about a centimeter and a half.
  • Then put the pieces in the glass pitcher and pour it liter of water.
  • Squeeze the lemon juice and add it to the preparation.
  • Put the drink in the fridge and let stand overnight.

Way of consuming

  • To detoxify your body, drink it for seven days in a row each month.
  • However, you can also ingest it three times a week or when you feel an overwhelming urge to eat.
  • The liter of water should be distributed in several doses per day (one glass before each main meal).

To obtain good results in controlling body weight, it is important to increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables, and to reduce industrial fats and refined flours.

Likewise, you should opt for a daily exercise program of at least 30 minutes.

If you follow these simple recommendations, you can lose several inches off your waistline in a matter of weeks.

However, be aware that each metabolism works separately and in some people it may take longer.

Eggplant should not be eaten raw in large amounts as it contains an alkaloid called solanine which causes vomiting and diarrhea.

However, there is no need to be afraid if you consume the amounts indicated.

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