How To Cure Your Daily Sadness?

Sunlight is your best ally. Don’t let your sadness stop you from going out on the streets. Get up every morning with the intention of devouring the world!

It is possible that you are going through a rough patch. Maybe something has happened in your life, or you just feel an existential void that’s hard to explain. Sometimes sadness clings to you and chokes your heart. How to treat her?

How to overcome sadness little by little

Chronic sadness is the bedrock of depression. It is therefore necessary to pay attention to it. Understand sadness as an illness that must be cured, as a muscle that must be hardened and strengthened in order to enter reality with the greatest possible energy. With the greatest of courage.

What makes us sad? Maybe we all look very different, we each feel we are caught up in our own particular world.

But, in reality, we all suffer from the same things. The same things affect us: the feeling of loneliness, the fact of not feeling understood or respected. We all feel contempt and abuse. Lies and betrayals.

Sometimes we also suffer without really knowing why. Because of a vacuum? Because of a period in our life when we realize that we are not happy?

It can happen. This is something normal. Here we are going to walk you through the rules to rationalize your sadness and get rid of it in a healthy way. 

1. Identify what affects you


It may seem obvious, but it’s not always easy. Sometimes it’s an accumulation of many things: something your partner has done to you, the feeling of not doing what you like but what others expect of you, disillusionment etc.

Sometimes sadness doesn’t have just one color but a whole range of colors that you have to know how to interpret.

2. Do not stand still, do not lock yourself in your home

walk in solitude

Stillness grabs us like a climbing plant. Don’t let yourself be defeated. If you start to want to stay at home, not wanting to go out with those close to you, leaving social relationships aside and preferring to stay in bed in the dark, you are already living with depression.

Do not allow this. Gather all your energy and tell yourself that you are not going to be defeated, that you deserve to be happy, and all pain is fleeting, and every problem has a solution.

Nothing is eternal and you have the right to peace. The one that will make you smile when you least expect it, one morning when you say to yourself, “Today I feel good. Today, I am going to conquer the world ”. 

3. Sadness as a moment of reflection to emerge strengthened

As they say, there is no evening that was not conquered by the following morning. That is, no pain is eternal, and what makes you suffer today will not affect you forever.

It will calm down and everything will be better. You must understand sadness as a moment of reflection, as a moment when it is time to look at yourself to heal yourself, to mend your wounds. And also where to make decisions.

This reflection that sadness brings should allow us to open our eyes and guide us in the right direction. You have to muster your courage to borrow it.

Remember that you deserve to be happy and that not making the right decisions or not daring to make any at all may one day make you regret and feel frustrated.

Do not hesitate, strengthen your self-esteem and come out stronger from this dark tunnel of sadness.

4. Asking for help may sometimes be necessary

friends for help

Don’t think that you are going to get by on your own. A friendly hand, a shoulder to cry on, and a face that greets you with a sincere expression can be of invaluable help.

But care must be taken to choose the right person. There are those who know how to listen and those who are only interested in themselves and do not know how to be open.

It is certain that in your close entourage, you know a person who will always have the appropriate words to reassure you, who will always be there, at any time of the day or night, to receive you, to listen to you … and you provide assistance.

Loneliness is not always good when sadness comes over us.

5. Gradually raise hope


Episodes of sadness should be times of learning, of choosing new directions and of consolidation.

When you get up in the morning, set goals. Something that forces you to get out of bed, makes you feel attractive, and makes you want to get out of your house.

Sign up for an activity: painting, yoga, dancing… something that requires you to keep your mind and body occupied in a project, no matter how small. 

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