How To Detect Premature Menopause?

The menopause prematurely brings with it many physical and emotional changes.

During this period, it is very important to follow a healthy diet, to exercise, and to avoid stress as well as unhealthy habits.

Menopause is a stage in the life of all women, which will cause the end of menstrual cycles, and therefore negate any possibility of pregnancy.  It is a major hormonal change that occurs around the age of 45.

But, in the years before it occurs, certain symptoms can predict it, such as decreased production of estrogen and progesterone.

Many women are afraid to take this step in their lives because menopause often has symptoms that are quite difficult to bear.

However, it is an essential level, which can be easily overcome by adopting healthy lifestyle habits, and by taking certain supplements that will reduce its symptoms.

What is premature menopause?

We talk about premature menopause when a woman stops having her period before age 40, she no longer has ovarian function and therefore can no longer get pregnant.

It occurs naturally in some women, but in others it can be caused by hormonal changes or by genetic factors.

This stage can also be triggered by medical factors like:

  • Surgery to extract the ovaries.
  • Cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation in the pelvic area, which damage the ovaries.

In the study conducted by the Massachusetts General Hospital, USA, it was discovered that premature menopause can also be caused by smoking.

Smoking, or being a passive smoker, can trigger this problem because of a chemical in cigarette smoke that causes the premature death of the eggs.

Ovarian failure

In some cases, 25-year-old women think they have premature menopause.

However, it is not this pathology that manifests itself, but rather premature ovarian failure.

Its symptoms are very similar to those of menopause, but the main difference is that ovarian function is inconstant and unpredictable, but still present. The woman can therefore ovulate and become pregnant.

Women who suffer from premature menopause are more likely to suffer from various health problems,  as many functions of the female body no longer have the support of hormones to function properly.

This can cause vasomotor disturbances, hot flashes, tachycardia, insomnia, headaches, and depression problems.

The main concern of women who are affected by menopause is not being able to procreate.

Women who still want to have children should talk to their doctor. And consider other options like egg donation programs, or adoption.

The physical and emotional symptoms of premature menopause

Premature menopause is a change that occurs at a relatively young age. And who can spread his symptoms over 5 years.

The transition from reproductive to non-reproductive life is not easy, and causes many changes, both physically and emotionally.

The decrease in estrogen in the ovaries triggers a series of symptoms until the reproductive functions of the woman, symbolized in particular by menstruation, completely stop functioning.

One of the first signs of menopause is irregular menstrual cycles. Which can sometimes take months to manifest.

The woman ends up no longer producing estrogen, she no longer ovulates, and loses her ability to have children.

In this case, the woman should start taking drug therapy. Because it is exposed to the risks of disorders caused by the weak and irregular production of hormones.

This treatment for early menopause is prescribed by a healthcare professional. And it must be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle.

These two elements are essential to reduce the impact of this problem on the lives of those who suffer from it.

Treatment for premature menopause should include hormone therapy, supplemental calcium intake, and possibly other medications,  which will aim to reduce the incidence of conditions such as osteoporosis, insomnia, headaches. , depression, anxiety, etc.

It is very important to follow a healthy and light diet, particularly rich in fruits and vegetables.

We also recommend the practice of a physical activity, a reduction in stress and the non-consumption of tobacco and alcohol.

Natural treatments

In addition to changing your lifestyle and following healthier principles, you should also take natural supplements. Which will help you cope with all the symptoms of menopause.

Soy:  it contains phytoestrogens, a plant substance similar to human estrogen.

The best sources of soy are:

  • Tofu
  • Tempeh
  • Soy milk
  • Soybeans

Here are other sources of phyto- oestrogens

  • Black cohosh
  • The wild yam
  • Angelica of China
  • Valerian root

All of these natural supplements should be consumed under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Because these natural substances can interact negatively with drug treatment.

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