How To Explain Food Compulsions?

Does Food Bring Us Happiness? In the following lines, we will answer all these questions to enlighten you on this subject.

In this article, we are going to talk about eating compulsions, a somewhat thorny subject. We live in a time when we tend to eat more than we need to.

We are then guided by an impulse that compels us to eat snacks, go for a snack at night when we should be sleeping, or stop at a pastry shop to buy an appetizing cake. Why do we do it? How to explain food compulsions?

Do food compulsions hide other concerns?

“When I am stressed or anxious, I want to eat more”.  You have probably heard this phrase more than once, or you may have said it yourself.

These processes sometimes turn into dangerous vicious circles. When we are anxious, we tend to eat in larger quantities.

This will therefore logically make us gain weight, which will worry us even more.

This is a very common problem, which sometimes forces us to ask ourselves these types of questions: “ Am I really hungry? Should I eat because my body needs it, or only out of greed ? Or to fill a void that I cannot explain ? ”.

First of all, if you are asking yourself these kinds of questions, that’s a great thing. You clearly intend to find out what is behind this self-defeating behavior.

However, some people do not realize this phenomenon, and continue to overeat.

What are the issues behind food compulsions?

1. Emotional problem.

Behind these food compulsions, there is often an emotional problem. Food is a quick and easy way to get a feeling of satisfaction.

A very sweet food, a little salty whim, or a fatty food, are all small pleasures that allow us to fill ourselves with happiness for a few moments. Sugar releases endorphins in our brains, allowing us to forget about all our emotional problems for a moment.

2. Couple problems

Often, relationship problems are at the root of the vicious circle we have described to you. Eating compulsions are often caused by arguments, and the sufferer will gain weight.

There are some things you would like to say to your partner sometimes, but you don’t dare. You are not happy, and you don’t really know how to approach this problem. And instead of facing these questions, you take refuge in food.

3. Problems of image and self-esteem

Eating compulsions can also be caused by problems with self-esteem and self-esteem. This self-loathing can lead to anxiety, a lifelong dissatisfaction that will be met with food.

Because a packet of crisps keeps you from thinking too much, and because a good cake fills the void when a person can’t sleep at night.

4. Stress

Stress is also one of the main culprits of these terrible food compulsions.

You come home from work, very stressed, and as you take a good bath to try to relax, you feel like a big void in your stomach, just begging to be filled with a cake, a snack, etc.

Compulsions sometimes take hold in our lives without our realizing it. And the act of eating becomes a daily way to relax.
As long as we give our stomachs some work, we feel satisfied and at ease.

How to control food compulsions?

How to control food compulsions

1. Identify the origin

First, and quite logically, you should first identify the root cause of the problem that is causing these compulsions. Is it because of your job? Do you have relationship problems, or with your own image?

Try to find the strength and courage to face these problems, and be happier. The game is worth the candle.  

2. Listen to your body.

Are you really hungry? When snacking, always ask yourself if your body is actually asking for food.

More often than not, it asks you for solutions instead to soothe whatever is on your mind. Do not constantly drown him in food, as your feeling of hunger is not real.

3. Breathe.

Whenever you feel a great emptiness in your stomach, do small relaxation exercises. Inhale slowly, put your hand on your stomach, and breathe out deeply. Repeat this 5 times a day, and try to relax.

4. Eat healthy things to quench your compulsions.

There are very healthy foods that will help you stop suffering from food compulsions. They are very useful for your body, besides being very healthy. Among these foods are:

  • Oats
  • Apples
  • Asparagus
  • Turkey breast
  • Greek yogurt with no added sugars
  • Spinach
  • Dandelion infusion
  • Passionflower infusion

5. Go out for a walk

It is a very healthy habit, and very therapeutic. Spending an hour in the open air will help you put your problems in perspective, relieve your anxiety, get your heart going and free your mind. After a short walk, you will see things in a whole new way.

Definitely worth a try.

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