How To Fight Gingivitis With 5 Natural Remedies

Although these remedies are very effective in relieving gingivitis, they do not replace seeing a dentist in the most severe cases.

Gingivitis is the initial stage of periodontal disease, which due to an inflammatory process causes bleeding and reddening of the gums.

It is produced by the accumulation of plaque deposits. It is a sticky texture substance formed by bacteria, mucous membrane secretions and food residues.

If this plaque is not removed by brushing and flossing, it slowly releases toxins that irritate the gum tissue, causing this inflammation.

However, prompt treatment can reverse the damage, as long as the jawbone and connective tissue that supports the teeth has not yet been affected.

Although it is necessary to visit the dentist to assess the severity of the infection, in addition, there are some natural remedies that you can take into account that help the healing process.

In the following article, we are going to share these 5 amazing solutions with you. So, don’t hesitate to try them if you are facing this problem.

1. Sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide against gingivitis 

bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide against gingivitis

Sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide contains antimicrobial compounds which has ident in removing plaque residue that affects the health of our teeth.

Their association results in a treatment against gingivitis, facilitating disinflammation and relief of the gums.


  •  1 tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate (10 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide (5 g)
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)


  • Dilute the sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide in half a cup of lukewarm water.

Mode of application

  • Gargle with the solution, for 2 or 3 minutes, without swallowing the liquid.
  • Then repeat its use 2 times a day, at least for 2 weeks.

2. Anise, rosemary and mint

The infusion of anise, rosemary and mint is an anti-inflammatory and soothing remedy that helps control irritation and bleeding caused by gingivitis.

Its compounds neutralize the action of bacteria and also reduce bad breath.


  •  1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • ½ tablespoon of dried anise (5 g)
  •  ½ tablespoon of rosemary (5 g)
  •  1 teaspoon of mint (5 g)


  • First boil a cup of water and, when it reaches the boiling point, add the plants.
  • Then cover the drink and let it sit for 30 minutes at room temperature.
  • Then filter and you can use it.

Mode of application

  • First take several sips and then gargle for 2 or 3 minutes, without swallowing.
  • Then repeat the gargles 3 times a day, for 10 to 12 days.

3. Sage to fight against gingivitis 

sage to fight gingivitis

Sage leaves have antiseptic and fungicidal properties which work positively in treating inflammation of the gums.

These compounds fight the proliferation of bacteria and help remove excess dental plaque.


  • 1 tablespoon of sage leaves (10 g)
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)


  • First heat the water and, when it reaches its boiling point, then add the sage leaves.
  • Then cover the drink, let stand at room temperature and, when cooled, strain.

Mode of application

  • Gargle with the infusion, 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Repeat the treatment for 2 weeks.

4. Echinacea

Echinacea has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which are very helpful in reducing inflammation and pain in the gums.

Its compounds help eliminate microbes from the mouth and thus  prevent complications of gingivitis.


  • 1 teaspoon of echinacea (10 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Pour a spoonful of echinacea in a cup of water and let it boil over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Cover the drink after removing it from the heat, then let stand until cold.

Mode of application

  • First filter the liquid and gargle 3 times a day, after each brushing.
  • Then repeat its use for 2 or 3 weeks in a row.

5. Aloe vera, honey and hydrogen peroxide against gingivitis 

This antibacterial remedy helps to control the growth of dental plaque and, moreover , facilitates the disinflammation of the gums.

This combination of ingredients cleanses hard-to-reach areas of the mouth. And also eliminates bleeding and bad breath.


  • 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (45 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (25 g)
  • ½ teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide (5 ml)


  •  Mix all the ingredients.

Mode of application

  • First rub the paste on the teeth and gums, and leave to act for 10 minutes.
  • Then rinse off with lukewarm water and repeat the use twice a day.
  • Do the treatment for at least 10 days.

Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Do you feel pain and tenderness in your teeth? If you suspect gingivitis, try these natural remedies to prevent complications.

Of course, see a specialist if symptoms persist, to see if other types of treatment are needed.

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