How To Have Beautiful Hair Without Frizz

Did you know that the banana mask is one of the best moisturizers for our hair? The latter helps us reduce frizz, moisturize them, make them softer and easier to comb.

For many people, having curly or frizzy hair is a real ordeal, because this type of hair is the one with the most frizz.

However, straight hair is not immune from this problem either.

In this article, we are going to explain to you how to have beautiful hair and well-defined natural curls, without frizz, and most importantly, without damaging the hair.

There are several natural products that are very effective in moisturizing, nourishing, and softening the hair, while giving it a truly magnificent appearance. Do you want to try ?

The banana

One of the most effective home treatments for moisturizing hair and preventing frizz is the banana mask .

You just need to mash a few bananas, and apply it evenly all over your hair.

Leave on for half an hour. Then wash your hair as usual.

This mask can be done two to three times a week. From the first treatment you will notice the difference, your hair will be softer and easier to comb.

Avocado and mayonnaise

Try the Avocado Frizz Mask.

For this mask, you just need to crush a very ripe avocado, and make a smooth paste to which you will add one or two spoons of mayonnaise.

Then apply this treatment all over your hair, and leave on for fifteen to twenty minutes. Finally, wash your hair well. They will have a softer and more shiny appearance.

Apple cider vinegar

While washing your hair, you can use apple cider vinegar for the last rinse.

Mix half a liter of water with three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to reduce frizz and make hair shine.

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Coconut oil

Coconut oil will help prevent frizz.

Coconut oil should be applied cold all over the hair.

Next, wrap your hair in a towel moistened in lukewarm to hot water to maintain a stable temperature, and allow the oil to penetrate. Leave on for about twenty minutes.

This treatment should be done twice a week in order to hydrate the hair well, which prevents frizz.

Tips to consider to avoid frizz

  • Avoid using a hair dryer as much as possible, as it dries out the hair, which is one of the main causes of frizz.
  • Before using the hair straightener, you should always apply an excellent quality moisturizer, preferably natural.
  • Avoid all products that weigh down or grease the hair, such as commercial styling foams. Instead, choose natural moisturizers.
  • Your brush should be made from natural, soft pig hair. Avoid wire and plastic brushes at all costs.
  • Choose good quality hair products, and especially alcohol-free ( shampoo, gel, styling mousse, etc.).
  • Preferably, wash your hair in cold or slightly lukewarm water, because hot water dries the hair and weakens it. Therefore, split ends and frizz appear.
  • The ends of curly hair should be cut quite often. It is also advisable to apply a good moisturizer to wet hair to detangle it more easily.

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