How To Have Smooth And Shiny Hair?

To have smooth and shiny hair, it is essential to use both external and internal care. In addition to hair treatments, your diet plays a key role in the health of your hair.

While not all of us, some people strive for sleek, shiny hair. We spend a lot of time taking care of it, but sometimes we use the wrong products.

To achieve this goal, it is essential to maintain a natural beauty routine.

In fact, hair is part of the image we give to the world because it represents aesthetics and health. There are home treatments to prevent falls and provide movement. These include special masks and shampoos.

We should always take care of our hair because it is exposed to the sun, sweat and pollution. In addition, we must be careful not to abuse chemicals such as hair dyes and straightening treatments. Excessive use of these products can cause side effects.

If you want to have smooth and shiny hair, follow our tips; You will not be disappointed. Don’t neglect your hair and give it the vitality it deserves!

Good nutrition is essential

to have smooth and shiny hair, take care of your diet

One of the most important steps to take is eating a balanced diet. Food, if properly chosen, should provide us with the vitamins and minerals necessary to give the hair all the vitality it needs.

It is necessary to include in your diet foods and products with a high content of vitamin B6, fatty acids and proteins. These nutrients can be obtained by eating almonds, tuna, bananas, eggs, milk, and tomatoes.

A balanced diet promotes healthy and strong hair growth. If you do not suffer from any type of food allergy or illness, you should not exclude these nutrients from your diet.

Conditioning, chemical-free shampoo and conditioner

to have smooth and shiny hair, choose your shampoos well

Some of the products we use on a daily basis are made from irritating chemicals. These products end up damaging and irritating the scalp, leading to serious consequences.

If you are looking for smooth, shiny hair, try to avoid excessive use of these products. So forget about all those that contain sulfate or parabens.

You should avoid beauty items that contain alcohol as they weaken the hair fiber and make the hair weak and dull. In addition, they accelerate drying, thus depriving your hair of the natural oils produced by the scalp.

Don’t wash your hair too frequently

The cuticle needs care because it is exposed to attack by pollutants and suffers the consequences. To have smooth and shiny hair, avoid washing it every day. Such a practice can affect the health of the scalp, and make your hair brittle.
Hair washing is a process of wear and tear, so it is advisable to use cold water to take care of it. You should use a shampoo that gives your hair softness and shine and apply it in circular motions.

Thus, you will be able to stimulate the growth and the production of natural oils which will give it a natural glow. If you choose to use a conditioner, remember to distribute it at the ends to avoid the greasy effect it has on the roots.

Do not rub your hair to dry it

Once you are done washing your hair, you should not scrub it too vigorously. This could indeed have unwanted effects, such as deformation or split ends.
On wet hair,  remove knots with a comb, preferably with large teeth. You can start from the bottom down to the roots. It is advisable to go through your hair section by section and apply a natural detangler throughout the brushing.

Then continue to comb it until total penetration of the product. Then let your hair air dry. If you have a cold or don’t want to get cold, be careful not to go outside until your hair is dry and to cover yourself well. Remember to tailor these tips to your personal needs and preferences.

Natural masks for smooth and shiny hair

Sometimes it is necessary to resort to beauty treatments for hair beautification with the help of masks. There are easy and simple natural treatments. In addition, being made at home, they offer countless benefits and allow your hair to gain shine.

Coconut or olive oils are the most widely used. Indeed, rich in nutrients, they make it possible to strengthen the hair by providing it with maximum nutrition and by participating in the improvement of the hair structure. To get the best benefits, follow these steps:
  • Heat two tablespoons of the chosen oil by rubbing it between your hands until it warms up.
  • Then massage the scalp and let the oil act for a few minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo. Remember that this treatment can be done a maximum of twice a week.
As you may have seen, there are many ways to strengthen your hair. So take good care of it with a beauty routine that involves permanent care. This way you will get smooth and shiny hair!

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