How To Improve Your Health With A Mixture Of Sodium Bicarbonate And Honey

To get the best benefits from this natural remedy, it is essential to use the best quality organic honey in order to get the full benefit of its medicinal properties

In the field of alternative medicine, natural cosmetics and grandmother’s pharmacy, the mixture of baking soda and honey is offered as a home remedy and also as a beauty treatment.

The reason why these two substances are chosen is that both are attributed various medicinal properties.  Are you curious to know more? In that case, read on.

It is believed that the mixture of baking soda and honey could help eliminate toxins accumulated in the body, strengthen the immune system and thus improve overall health.  All this while maintaining good lifestyle habits.

At this point, it is worth clarifying a very important point: although the mixture of baking soda and honey is believed to be beneficial for health, it is not in itself a “miracle cure”. It is in fact not capable of dealing with each of the body’s needs. Therefore, in all cases, it  should be considered as a supplement to a healthy lifestyle. 

Bee honey

Honey is primarily carbohydrate food.

In general, honey is said to be a “super food”.  This results mainly from what we know about its composition. According to  an article published in the magazine  Fuente  in 2010  :

For hundreds of years, honey has been used both as a food and as a therapeutic agent  to prevent and treat many disorders. Therefore,  its use is familiar in many contexts.

Today it is often used as a substitute for white sugar, as we consider it a much healthier sweetener. However, given the large amount of calories it provides, it should be consumed in moderation.

Sodium bicarbonate


Baking soda  is a highly abrasive substance commonly used to effectively remove dirt and grease accumulated on various surfaces. However, it was only used in household cleaning, but also as a throat remedy.

A little baking soda usually dissolves in a glass of water to gargle from time to time.  However, some prefer to take bicarbonate as a remedy to alkalize and detoxify the body .

Recipe of the remedy with baking soda and honey

According to beliefs, the following remedy with baking soda and honey  could help  eliminate toxins  from the body  and thus improve overall health. To fully benefit from its benefits, it must be consumed as part of a balanced diet.

We recommend using organic honey because those which contain sugar and other additives may have an inferior quality and therefore not offer the same benefits.


  • 3 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate (27 g)
  • 7 tablespoons of honey (175 g)

What should you do ?

  • To begin with, if the honey is solid, we will heat it in a water bath to make it liquid. Then it will not solidify anymore.
  • Add the baking soda and mix well.
  • Store in a sealed glass container at room temperature.
  • Consume one tablespoon every 15 days.

Do you want to improve your lifestyle?

If you want to improve your lifestyle and enjoy good health and well-being, but you have doubts on how to do it, it is  is best to consult your doctor.  The professional will tell you what you can do and why it is most suitable for you.

To improve your eating habits, you can consult a nutritionist,  that will help you nourish your body well and do so in a way that you achieve your goals and stay healthy.

The baking soda and honey remedy can be a supplement to a healthy lifestyle, but never the mainstay of your well-being. Therefore,  try to bet on maintaining a whole set of good habits  and avoid contributing only to the consumption of any remedy.

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