How To Prepare Canary Seeds For Weight Loss

For some time now, it has been recommended to consume Canary Seeds for weight loss. The seeds of this plant, despite their small size, contain powerful nutrients that help break down fat and lose weight.

Many people consume canary seed for weight loss. This ingredient was until recently only reserved for birds. However, we use it today in our food. They have recently acquired great renown thanks to their interesting properties for human health.

Canary seed seeds come from a herbaceous plant also called Canary seed canary seed or Phalaris canariensis. This plant is particularly distinguished by its high content of enzymes and amino acids. These help to improve the functions of many of the main body systems.

Canary seed seeds are considered to be great allies in stimulating the elimination of fat and cholesterol deposits. In addition, their nutrients help to improve the energy expenditure of the organism to avoid metabolic disorders such as diabetes.

The seeds of canary seed have been attributed several properties in traditional medicine (lipid-lowering, softening and diuretic). However, the  experts point out that there is not enough scientific evidence.

Despite this, more and more people are incorporating this ingredient into their daily diet. Not only with the goal of losing weight, but also with the intention of taking advantage of all of its nutrients that promote health and well-being.

Are you interested in consuming Canary Seeds for weight loss? NOT We will explain how to prepare them in detail below.

The benefits of canary seed for weight loss

Canary seed for weight loss
Birds are not the only species that can benefit from the properties of Canary Seeds. They can indeed help us lose weight.

There are many reasons why it is recommended to consume canary seed for weight loss. Even if some underestimate the power of these small seeds, they are nevertheless an important source of essential nutrients supporting the functions of the metabolism. The seeds of Alpiste will bring you among others the following benefits:

  • Thanks to their content in lipase and other digestive enzymes, these seeds help to break down the fatty cells present in the blood. Their consumption facilitates the transport of lipids to the cells of the body to spend them on energy.
  • They contain a significant amount of vegetable protein, recommended to increase athletic performance and muscle mass.
  • They have diuretic and depurative properties that optimize the process of eliminating fluids and toxins retained in the body.
  • Their antioxidants speed up cell metabolism and prevent tissue damage by creating a barrier against free radicals in the environment.
  • They are also a source of dietary fiber which, in addition to improving digestion, prolongs the feeling of fullness.
  • Finally, these seeds help improve blood circulation and reduce the formation of cellulite and varicose veins.

Nutritional values ​​of canary seeds

The nutrients in Canary Seeds are ideal for supplementing any balanced diet. A half-cup serving of Canary Seeds (112 g) can provide your body with:

  • 831 mg of potassium
  • 236 mg of calcium
  • 431 mg of magnesium
  • 112 mg of folic acid

In addition, 100 grams of Canary Seeds contains:

  • 8 g of carbohydrates
  • 13 g of protein
  • 2 g fat

Canary seed milk recipe for weight loss?

Canary seed for weight loss

Canary seed seeds contain many nutrients which are dry. However, when they are hydrated in water, a series of chemical processes increase their fiber content, cellulose content but also their biological value.

For this reason, if you are looking to lose weight, you can prepare the Alpiste’s milk recipe.  It is a low calorie drink that you can easily include in your diet because it has a mild and very pleasant taste.


  • 6 tablespoons of Canary Seeds (90 g)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  • Pour the Canary Seeds in a cup of water and let them soak overnight.
  • The next day, remove the excess water and add the soaked seeds to the mixing bowl with the rest of their water.
  • Mix them for a few moments, until you obtain a homogeneous vegetable milk.
  • Strain this drink through a fine cloth sieve and discard the remnants of the seeds.

Way of consuming

  • To be consumed in moderation in the morning at the same time as your breakfast or your snack.
  • Pour the rest of the milk into a glass container and store it in the refrigerator for a few days. Maximum 2 or 3.
Canary seed for weight loss
We can prepare a rich drink made from Canary Seeds to supplement our weight loss diet.

What type of canary seed should you use?

It is very important to learn to differentiate the seeds of canary seed for birds from those suitable for human consumption. Although their nutritional properties are almost similar, canary seed seeds for birds contain a substance called silica   which can be dangerous for our health.

The variety of Canary Seeds recommended for making Canary Seed Milk are those that indicate “silica-free”. You can easily find them in many health food stores and some supermarkets.

Pay close attention! Silica fiber is very small and sometimes it cannot be easily detected with the naked eye. It is essential to avoid seeds of canary seed reserved for birds and which contain silica. Indeed, their consumption can cause serious damage to the digestive mucosa.

So, will you make this drink made from Canary Seeds for weight loss? If you haven’t included it in your diet yet, take advantage of this Alpiste’s milk recipe and see its benefits for yourself.

Do you dare to prepare this drink with Canary seed seeds to lose weight? If you haven’t included it in your diet yet, take advantage of this recipe to judge its benefits for yourself.

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